Painters and Decorators in Jersey

Find the best Painters and Decorators in Jersey as recommended by local Jersey people in thebestof Jersey's Painters and Decorators directory.
Painters and Decorators in Jersey
Freeflow Decorators Ltd.
High end painting and decorating business and specialists in hand painted kitchens and furniture.
Diamond Decorating
If you need a painter and decorator in Jersey then contact Diamond Decorating for your free quotation; then you can relax with the certainty and peace of mind that the job will be done correctly the first time to a high standard.
Judith Davy said
Very happy with the decorating work Roisin and Will from Decorating Jersey did for us. The difference made to a very bland hall and stairs is amazing. We have already asked for a quote for some more work.
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Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust
Excel Property Management
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