When you need the services of an auto electrician, you need them fast and the confidence that you are engaging a technician who knows what he's talking about!
Burwell & Ward of Kettering have gained trust and a reputation for reliable auto electrical repairs and professional services spanning over 35 years.
"Consistently looking after our customers with a friendly service, offering professional advice and accurately diagnosing the problem to give the best and fastest repair at the most competitive price".
All types of diagnostic fault finding and specialist auto electrical repairs are offered on most makes of vehicles (including older vehicles) whether domestic, commercial, or agricultural plant and machinery.
... in fact just about any auto electrical problem including those identified by those annoying warning lights!
New regulations for MOT testing and vehicle security now require stricter checking on all electronic safety systems (if fitted), including electric power steering, electric parking brakes, electronic stability control to name just a few.
These regulations require that if any warning light associated with these functions indicates a fault, the MOT test will fail if the light remains illuminated.
Let Burwell & Ward advise you on any auto electrical problem to keep you and your vehicle safe, mobile and compliant with all aspects of road safety regulations.
Call in to the Burwell & Ward service centre in Cunliffe Drive, Kettering or phone Alec or Matt on 01536 481453.
Just say The Best of Kettering sent you!
brilliant service by people who really know their cars
Very friendly. Great service. Sorted the problem very quickly. Top marks. Would use them again and recomend the to others. Many thanks lads.
Absolutely brilliant. Very fast service. Sorted my problem out super quick and very reasonable. HIGHLY recommended.
brilliant service by people who really know their cars
Very friendly. Great service. Sorted the problem very quickly. Top marks. Would use them again and recomend the to others. Many thanks lads.
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