Well Roasted Coffee.
  • Unit 23
    Eckland Lodge Business Park
    Market Harborough
    LE16 8HB
Coffee Roasters near Kettering Northamptonshire delivering quality hand roasted coffee directly to you for home or businesses users.



 Suppliers of wonderful locally Northamptonshire roasted coffee to commercial and domestic users.


 Well Roasted Coffee provide a complete range of products for Business 2 Business.

Our artisan coffee range includes Whole Beans, different Grinds to suit, Single Origin Arabicas and Espresso Blends using top quality beans from all coffee regions of the world.

Our coffee is:

  • Locally roasted and award-winning
  • Freshly roasted in small batches
  • Certified Rainforest Alliance (RFA) or Fairtrade Organic (FTO)
  • Available with small minimum order requirements
  • Traceable to the actual farm and farmer
  • Assured that farmer and employees are paid a fair wage & take steps to protect the local environment
  • Comes with 12 months best before date
  • Packaged in compostable bags
  • Available as Own Label packaging for in-house use or retail sales.
  • We can include a range of Barista and Ancillary items.

With our working partners we can supply:

  • Machines and Equipment
  • Financial packages - Lease Purchase, Lease Hire, Rental (all subject to approval)
  • Service and Maintenance contracts
  • Equipment and Barista training
  • Consultation and Project Management


 Coffee to your home.

Online orders are taken via the website and our Facebook page, customers are also welcome to shop direct with us at our roastery.

We will be roasting twice a week, Monday and Thursday. All orders received after 11.00AM will be processed next roasting day.



At Well Roasted Coffee near Kettering Northamptonshire , William Scott has a fascination and a passion for coffee. Having worked in the coffee industry for many years the idea of becoming a micro artisan coffee roaster really appealed.

The aim at Well Roasted Coffee is to keep the main characteristics of the single origin coffee beans and enhance them with a personal touch and delicate roasting. This enables you to purchase top quality locally roasted coffee that will be just perfect.

All the coffee beans are hand roasted in small batches in our 'micro' roaster on the premises between Kettering and Market Harborough.


Bringing you the BEST roasted coffee.


William says 'The green coffee beans are carefully select from our coffee Importer as this allows us to keep track of the beans back to the region and in most cases to the actual farm and farmer. 

 The coffee is supplied to you as roasted whole beans so you can grind your own as required which helps with the freshness. The coffee can also be supplied in one of three grinds: fine, medium and coarse'.

This coffee is available to be purchased online, collected from us between Kettering and Market Harborough or from local collection points.

Coffee Accessories.


Click to see all our coffee accessories.

Share William's love of great coffee that has been hand roasted locally.

Call William to talk about the various coffee he supplies on 01536 601331.

Well Roasted is a Tea and Coffee Specialist Shop, also selling ranges of leaf teas.


If you are a business that sells coffee please call to see how we can help you bring a better coffee taste to your customers.

 Please mention The Best of Kettering when you call him.

 Found on The Best of Kettering 'Coffee machines and supplies and Coffee Roasters' categories.



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Gift Ideas in Kettering.

We all like a good coffee so here are some great coffee related gift suggestions from Well Roasted Coffee, our local Kettering coffee roaster. Read article