Midlands Airsoft Wargames.
From April they are holding 2 games a month.
This activity is such a good day out for a group of people no matter how many there are, the whole day is filled with excitement, tension, teamwork and fun!
If you haven't tried this or maybe not even heard about it before, just click to their page here to see some of the action.
You also need to know that they have started replacing the hire equipment.
New weapons, lighter weight, that are more responsive and effective.
New facemasks, that are lighter to wear and give better vision.
They now have sniper rifle’s for those of you that want to try sniping....
Also this might save you a fortune on finding and buying.
They are very helpful and you are looked after very well all the time by experienced marshals so there is no need to be concerned if you are new to it.
Click to their website and have a look, it could be just the thing for you.
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