Dingley Racecouse Point to Point
  • Dingley Racecouse,
    A427, Dingley,
    Nr Market Harborough,
    LE16 8PJ
A great day out for all the family at Dingley Racecourse.

Dingley Racecourse Point to Point


Gates open at 1pm with the first race getting underway at 2pm. With the six races that had been originally scheduled, racing will continue into the evening offering a true party atmosphere.

With a number of National, Midlands area and Dingley awards still up for grabs, the level of competition on the night is likely to be stronger than ever

Additional Ticket information:

Admittance is free for children aged 16 and under.


Dingley Racecouse, A427, Dingley, Nr Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE16 8PJ

Future dates
  • Sunday 4th May 2:00pm until 5:00pm
  • Saturday 24th May 2:00pm until 5:00pm
Social Interaction
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