Simon Evans – Have we Met?
Extended Tour 2024/25 at Kettering Arts Centre
‘ Jaw-dropping’ Shape
Completing the Trilogy begun with Genius 2.0 and The Work of the Devil, Have We Met? finds Simon standing, like Ulysses in Tennyson’s famous verse, gazing out over the moaning deep and the twinkling rocks and wondering whether to seek a newer world? To smite the sounding furrows? To strive, to seek, and to find? Or whether in fact, to put the kettle on, crack open the Hobnobs and simply yield?
Drawing on Joyce, Proust and the career of Philip Schofield to make sense of his own tangled past and possible future, Evans skilfully weaves comedy, pathos and narrowly averted cancellation into an unforgettable two hours of unique entertainment.
“A typically amazing show… Masterful really. There’s no one quite like him.”
Dan Jackson, @Northumbriana.
“An incredibly heartfelt and, of course, bloody funny evening.”
Duncan Wainscott, @folkyvale.
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