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Local News and Updates
Are you confusing Marketing with Advertising?
  • 22nd September 2015
I often find that when I first meet or talk to potential members of the best of that they confuse marketing with advertising or vice versa. Read more
  • 26th September 2016
Kettering is seeing a redevelopment but will this all be in vain if we do not support local businesses? Read more
Cake Making in Kettering.
  • 14th September 2015
Making your own cakes, looking for cake boards, cake boxes and icing? Read more
What is the ideal place for your wedding reception in the Kettering area?
  • 10th September 2015
There are so many wedding venues to choose from and it is right at the top of most lists. Read more
What a lot of things to do in Kettering this weekend!
  • 9th September 2015
The Bank Holiday weather seemed to spoil a few weekend plans in Kettering. Read more
Is Your Website Mobile Friendly?
  • 1st September 2015
I know that many of you will have your own website, especially if you have a business because (very wisely), you know that in this digital age, the web is a great way to 'communicate your message' across the world. Read more
Buy Local Campaign in Kettering.
  • 1st September 2015
The Bestof Kettering will once again be campaigning to gently remind people of those traditions and encouraging them to also support our great local independent businesses who have served us so well over the years. Read more
Looking for somewhere to go for a special occasion near Kettering?
  • 3rd August 2015
We always like to visit a special place for a special occasion but can't always come up with the right venue. Read more
Where to eat out at lunchtime in the Kettering area.
  • 29th November 2016
We have featured some really great lunch time eating venues in and around Kettering. Read more
Whose Customer Reviews in Kettering Can You Believe?
  • 6th July 2015
It’s well recognised in today’s consumers look for positive customer feedback which is essential in making a decision on what to buy or where to go. Read more
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