Wedding Receptions and Venues in Knutsford

Find the best Wedding Receptions and Venues in Knutsford as recommended by local Knutsford people in thebestof Knutsford's Wedding Receptions and Venues directory.
Wedding Receptions and Venues in Knutsford
The Mere Golf Resort and Spa
At The Mere, love is always in the air. Nestled in the Cheshire countryside, along The Mere Lake, our romantic location and elegant wedding venue makes us the ideal destination for saying ‘I Do.' The Mere Golf Resort and Spa has over 25 years experience of hosting and coordinating weddings in Manchester. Our premier hotel wedding packages are designed to take all of the stress out of planning your big day.
Katy said
Rachael was a superstar as usual - amazing treatments - thank you so much
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