Award-winning illustrator Sara Ogilve, will read this wonderful book for everyone and then lead visitors through a series of creative drawing exercises.
In collaboration with our Caring Companions temporary exhibition, this event will explore how animals can offer comfort and promote healing in our lives.
Visitors will also be able to explore the museum for one hour in addition to this event.
Spaces are limited for these 2 sessions, so please book your tickets as soon as possible.
Ticket Prices:
Adult and Child – £21
Adult – £15
Child – £8
*As this is a drawing event all ticket purchases include an artist pencil which you can take home with you!
You can also pre-order a copy of The Hospital Dog to be signed by the illustrator at the event when purchasing your tickets!
When: Monday 7th April
There are two sessions available: 11:00am-12:30pm (Doors opening 10:30am and closing 1:00pm)
2:00pm – 3:30pm (Doors open 1:30pm and closing 4:00pm)
Please book tickets online
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