Director of the Year award for Alumet's Dean Walton
17th May 2012
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Alumet Director Dean Walton received the Environmental Director of the Year award at a champagne breakfast ceremony at Edgbaston Cricket ground. The award, presented by the Institute of Directors (IoD) West Midlands recognises Dean’s efforts to help turn Alumet into one of the most sustainable specialist construction companies in the country.

John Phillips, IoD Regional Director said “Dean has worked very hard to build a successful business which is now supported by the most up to date renewable technologies. He is clearly very passionate about the Alumet Group, his team, the environment and he is to be congratulated on his corporate social responsibility awareness”

Last year Walton was named as a West Midlands ‘Green Leader’ and continues to promote green construction at the highest level. He is currently directing Alumet’s 20th anniversary charity Eco-Day which takes place on 6th July at the company’s headquarters in Southam, Warwickshire. The highlight of this years event will be the unveiling of a new eco-facade which is currently being retrofitted to the main office block. The ceremony will be performed by well known TV and Film personality Brian Blessed.

Dean has worked in the construction industry for 35 years, the last 19 years with Alumet. He has successfully helped lead the company into renewable technologies – a diversification that created 20 new jobs in the last year and has helped inject growth into the business.

Sponsors Flybe presented Dean with the trophy and a prize of 2 return flight tickets. Dean will now represent the West Midlands at the National awards taking place in London in October.

Photos attached – Dean collects the award from Flybe Regional Sales Manager Paul Willoughby and Dean at Edgbaston

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