Charities in Lichfield

Find the best Charities in Lichfield as recommended by local Lichfield people in thebestof Lichfield's Charities directory.
Charities in Lichfield
We Love Lichfield
Offer your support to local charities in Lichfield by contacting We Love Lichfield - a local community fund that helps community groups, elderly social groups, youth clubs, amateur sports teams and more. Please make a donation, volunteer your services or carry out a fundraising event!!
St Giles Hospice
If you're looking to support a local charity in Lichfield, why not join St Giles Hospice Lottery? Aiming to provide essential funding to deliver FREE patient care and support, the lottery has thousands of players and is supported by many local businesses. Whether you want to join as a player or become a partner of St Giles Hospice as a business, call now for more information.
Darren Wilson said
Nice staffs Good To My Mum
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Wordy Bird Limited
Lichfield Kitchens and Bedrooms
Franklins Removals - Removal Companies in Lichfield
Pool House Veterinary Group
Spires Valeting
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