Lichfield Cathedral

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Lichfield Cathedral and Staffordshire and Stoke Music Hub will host a 2-day workshop for young singers this summer.
Visit Lichfield Cathedral this Sunday and take part in the Big Lunch - whatever the weather!
Are you brave enough to climb to the top of Lichfield Cathedral to check out the breath taking views?
Whatever you can afford - give a lasting gift.
Lichfield Cathedral is well known for its professional choristers!...
An exhibition entitled ‘Moving Pictures-Ending child labour in Gaza’ will be on display in the south transept of Lichfield Cathedral from 7 -18 January, and 20-25 January, 2013.
A 600 strong congregation representing the commercial, voluntary and official life of the City attended the uplifting ‘Songs for a City’ celebration at Lichfield Cathedral on Tuesday December 4th....
Donate a toy this Christmas
Donate a toy this Christmas
Donate a new toy for the Lichfield Cathedral 2012 Toy Appeal on 9 December and help the Pathway Project support victims of domestic abuse this Christmas.
A replica build of one of the oldest places of Christian worship in Britain has been created - one fifth the size of the original and made entirely from straw bales....
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