National Memorial Arboretum

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Lovely place to visit..try and go when the sun is out :) nice food and drink also.managed to park okay,helpful and friendly staff.
I wasn't sure how I was going to feel at the Arboretum- whether i would find it a sad place to be? It was so uplifting and I've been again since. Yes it's a reminder of the lives lost but also of sacrifices made by all nationalities. The train around the park is excellent value as there is a recorded commentary playing en route. You can then return to the sites of most interest. The Burmese section is very moving indeed. I last went for the Ride to the Wall where the Arboretum was full of bikers raising money for it's upkeep.Again another moving experience.
I went here with my husband and 11 year old son. We all really enjoyed it and it was a lovely day out. The volunteers in the family activity tent were very welcoming and showed my son how to make a boat from paper. There was lots of cheap and easy ways to get around other than walking. The memorials were very well beautifully laid out. I would definitely recommend a visit.
The National Memorial Arboretum takes a long t I've to get around, so allow 2-3 hours for a visit. There are good toilets, rest facilities and a nice cafe so everyone is well catered for. The memorial itself is so very moving and well designed, with road trains for anyone who wants transport around the venue and plenty of space so people visiting special memories can be alone. The "Shot at Dawn" memorial is one example of a very moving tribute to those shot by their colleagues for desertion, etc. Pardoned in 2006, this moving statue and posts bearing the names of those who were shot stimulates a lot of discussion. I watched a family sit on the bench and discuss very deep issues which the memorial brought out. It was very touching indeed.
Wow, what an interesting day out. Amazing place. So many memorials to so many military units, groups, clubs, associations. Did the train ride in morning and booked the buggy tour in afternoon, so much to see, do it all if you can.
Wounderful place to visit well laid out and with memory to the fallen and present . Interesting presentation information on the trail while taken round to all the different mamorials .
Wanted to visit for a long time so very pleased we finally got there. Beautiful grounds which are well kept. The most amazing memorials and tributes to many of the services. Great train ride and would recommend. Lovely food and drinks in the cafe and well informed and polite staff. Only downside was the work being done and I understand this is essential but still plenty to see elsewhere.
If you've never been before go to the chapel for the short service at 11am every day and go on the train first for a tour so you know where everything is then you can walk round at leisure and see all the memorials
So much bigger than we anticipated and a lovely spot. It is a good deal of walking, but the paths are well maintained and there were lots of wheelchairs and mobility scooters getting around. They are doing a lot of work and new exhibits are opening soon, but don't wait. It is lovely now.
It is hard to believe that this is less than 20 years old, since it already houses hundreds of memorials. When the trees have grown and even more features are added it will be quite exceptional.
It is quite sometime since I visited the beautiful, well planted, well maintained and well set our memorial. So much to see and as you walk around there is an awesome sense of quietness, respect, gratitude and so many emotional thoughts running round my head.. I visited with my grandchildren who took everything in. The whole place speaks for itself. Seeing the wall where the names of soldiers who had lost their lives were carved into the stone was soooo very moving I began to cry. A beautiful way to spend a few hours
What a peaceful tranquil place, took the kids who found it very educational. Only walked around half the grounds as the kids wanted to get home and start researching about the family then go back an trace them if possible. Looking forward to going back on more than one occasion.
Excellent informative staff who all show a genuine interest. The grounds are kept exceptionally well; a place that everyone should visit - glad we did.
My grandfather was in the army during WW2 but we don't have any other friends or family that are in the services however I still found the National Memorial Arboretum extremely emotional and moving - by the time we got to the huge curved white walls I was in floods of tears. Its a good place to go and meditate on your mortality and thank all those that have put their lives on the line for us. Its very educational as well.
So much to see, good shoes, camera and a bottle of water required. Guide book is excellent. Restaurant can be very busy. Only down was the shop was expensive.
Visited on beautiful day. We didn't know what to expect and were very surprised!! This is the most wonderful place to commemorate the men and women who gave their lives for us. We took the little train (£5 each for 50 minutes) first so that we could get our bearings! It was worth it! We then walked for several hours amongst the amazing memorials. Please come to this place! Access is free but parking is £3 plus you are expected to make a donation.
The Arboretum covers a huge area and is also bordered by a River for riverside walks. The area is still in it's infancy so many of the trees are still quite small.
The Memorials commemorate the military and civilian services and are immaculate with interesting and thoughtful sculptures on display.
There are plenty of places to eat and drink and a gift shop.
A whole day is required to see most of the park, but we were pushed for time and opted for a guided tour on a park trailer bus, which was very interesting and well worth the £5 charge, especially as there is no entry fee to the park, though you are encouraged to make a donation.
A really great place to visit to show respect and to visit fallen brothers in arms RIP to all those Fallen Hero's and to all those executed at dawn been there a couple times now would recommend everyone visit so that they can see the price paid by others for their freedom
very moving and very well equipt for wheel chairs or the infirm and the food is very good staff very helpful and is kept going by volunteers
Took a couple of hours on Sunday to explore the Arboretum for a second time. It has matured quite a bit since I first came and was great to see it being visited by families and other groups. The accessibility access seemed good with mobility scooters and ramps galore. A drop off point was signed but it didn't really materialise and of course when being picked-up there was no designated place for either party to wait. A map in exchange for a donation would have been preferable.
The Arboretum is a fantastic facility to allow everyone to pay their respects to the dead from the military to the civilian services. The area is vast and takes a full day to take in all the memorials that have been well constructed and thought out. The area is impeccably maintained and whilst it houses a vast amount of visitors you never feel crowded. The facilities has a café/restaurant/gift shop and chapel and wherever you go you are never far from toilet facilities, the area is fully accessible for wheelchair uses and paths are provided if you do not want to go onto the grassed areas making it a good walking venue in any weather.
Before we arrived I had anticipated an arboretum, swathes of mature trees, not least because it is situated within the National Forest, and memorials, mainly relating to fighting since WWII. I could not have been more wrong. Yes, it is an arboretum, but only in its infancy; yes, there are memorials but, literally, hundreds of them and for a vast range of reasons. On the day of our visit we noticed numbers of both serving and retired forces personnel and this, apparently, is a regular feature with commemorations of, typically, anniversaries of fighting or of deaths. However, there are also formal dedications of new memorials with all the pomp and circumstance that one would expect from such an event.

Allowing for a light snack, we had allowed about three hours. Having purchased the guide book to peruse later, we found that we had barely scratched the surface. I would imagine that one could easily spend a day there
We decided to meet at a half way point as we were coming from The Lake District in the North to West Wales in the South. The party totaled ten persons so we qualified for party rates. Lunch was booked and we agreed to decide on what we did after lunch basing a decision on the basis of weather on the day.
When we arrived for lunch the table was ready with a table cloth and all the cutlery laid out. As we were the only party in the dining room our table was rather noticeable. Lunch was chosen from the menu and the service was excellent as all of us were served at virtually the same time by two waitresses. All meals were hot, tasty and well cooked. Coffee and teas were served after the meal.
We were lucky with the weather so we took the road train ride. The commentary went slightly out of phase at the start but was soon back in phase. The seats are both forward and backwards facing , so if you have a backwards facing seat remember the commentary is based on forward facing seats so left and right are reversed! The tour takes in most of the site but it is aimed at showing you where the memorial sites are. After the road train trip we then knew where the memorials we wanted to see so we then set out on foot.
For those who are not armed forces members there are memorials to civilians and these memorials are important. One example is the memorial to the French villages that refused to inform the Gestapo where Allied Forces Special Forces troops were. As a result all males over the age of 15 were taken away. Strangely a young girl also was taken. Perhaps she went after her Father? None were seen again.
There are many shops and facilities on site where you can gather more information, There is also a coffee shop where one can gather before leaving.
To see every memorial on a guided tour would take three days.
The main memorial is closed at present due to improvements. However, from the view points one can see that it is an exceptionally imposing area. New memorials are being added on a regular basis and there are also private memorials recorded beside dedicated trees.
Entry is free but a donation is suggested to ensure that the Arboretum is maintained at the highest standards by the Royal British Legion staff. The road train costs £5 per person other charges are raised for specific assistance. The site is mainly wheelchair accessible but some grassed areas may prove a problem.
Each year, on the first weekend of October, the NMA is the focus of attention for thousands of bikers. It is a wonderfully peaceful place even with the sounds of the motorbikes arriving! The atmosphere of this event has to be experienced to be believed. The facilities are being improved all the time with a new visitor centre being readied as I type.With a memorial for almost every branch of the Armed Forces and many other occupations it is a "must visit" if in the area.
From the moment you arrive and are met by one of the volunteers you will have a fabulous time. Dont be afraid to ask anyone in their green jackets , they are very knolledgable and will help all they can. If you can get there before 10-45 am make your way to the chapel for the daily 2 minutes silence (very moving). It would take about 3 days to see and take in everything but still worth it. At the moment the big memorial on the hill is being renovated which will be fantastic when it is finished.
A great meal can be had in the cafeteria and restaraunt if booked.
NATIONAL MEMORIAL ARBORETUM Really what more can be said about the arboretum but truly outstanding and a lovely place to come a just sit and feel as one with all these fantastic people all named here whom have given there lives for us in Great Britain to be where we are now.
If this is your first visit I will say it won't be your last and to be ready to leave here with so many feelings running though your body of what these people have sacrificed there lives for us all to be proud to be BRITISH.
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