National Memorial Arboretum

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This is a great place to visit. There are some refurbishments going on at the moment so we didn't get to see the military memorial (reopens in November)
We took the land train in order to see the whole arboretum as the weather wasn't very good.
The volunteer staff were friendly and helpful.
Would definitely recommend.
Brilliant day in a wonderful place. So interesting and so much to see. Definitely take a couple of days to go around it. Northern Ireland Veterans Day - such a big crowd. Well organisef and very humbling
As it was a cold and wet day we took the land train which was excellent. Good commentary and good value at £5. The grounds are set out well and are very poignant. Would like a return visit on a warmer day. Staff friendly and helpful. Well worth the journey from Cheshire.
First time visit to the National Memorial Arboretum and the place is so very emotional and humbling. It's a excellent place to walk around and pay your respects to so many people (Men and Woman) who fought for our freedom. If you have not been to the Arboretum then go, i for one will be making a return visit.
Every visit here you see something different or new.

Lovely to spend a few hours walking round the grounds and looking at all the memorials, reading the facts and improving the knowledge.
We only live in Alrewas village so walked to the Arboretum last week on a lovely sunny Sunday. Once there you can go on the mini train that takes you around and tells you what each of the memorials are, or walk round yourself. There is quite an expanse of ground, all with paths and well signed, so make sure you have nice flat shoes. Currently it is undergoing a lot of work and is being extended and upgraded but still lots to see. There is a lovely coffee shop and a temporary marquee doing hots lunches and afternoon teas. The current work is due to be done in time for the Armistace celebrations in November. A fabulous day out any time of the year but also a very moving experience. Everyone should visit this fabulous memorial, you will be amazed.
Brilliantly laid out and easy to visit. The train trip around is the easy way to see the site quickly and conveniently.
Very moving and a telling reminder to the dedication and service of so many over time.
This is a must see!!! Approximately 150 acres of land in memory of those who served and died and indeed still living to help keep the freedom of our land. It is an amazing place. The tour round on the train gives a fantastic insight into all the Military Forces and Volunteer Personnel who did so much for so many. The Memorial Wall with the names of all those who have died since WW2 is extremely moving.
we loved all of it - it gives you a massive insight into how many people (men and women) fought for the causes that enabled us to have our freedom - please go and enjoy this immensely humbling and emotional experience
I think every one should visit the National Arboretum, i personally found the place exercised my emotions. The curved memorial wall is beautiful, the names of military personnel who have died since WW2 have been expertly carved into the stone, and of course, the name's will never be finished. Also a powerful place to visit is the Far East POW, hut, although it gives no idea how bad things were, there are many item's real or replicated that will hold your interest, outside there is a genuine length of the Burma railway, which caused the death of so many.
The site is easy to find, situated just off the A38 Lichfield to Burton trunk road.
Well done to everyone who instigated and maintain's this dedicated memorial site.
An amazing place! Open 9-5 daily. Car parking £3 all day, honesty buckets in the visitor centre. A £5 voluntary entrance fee is requested, gift aid forms available. Maps cost £3, guide books £6. The land train is a good way of getting your bearings (£5 adults and £2 children) and you get a commentary which is useful.
You really need a full day, we did a whistle stop tour in 3 hours which was not enough but we were on our way to somewhere else.
Only 60% of the memorials are connected to the military.
We did the remembrance service at 11:00, followed by a talk by one of the many volunteers which was really interesting. We then did the land train tour (approx 50 minutes) and worked out where some of the main memorials that we were interested in were for us to whiz back and photograph.
Wrap up warm and wear comfy shoes as it covers a vast area.
Once all the trees mature, it will be even more spectacular.
We had a hot drink in the cafe as we were extremely cold, before continuing on our journey.
We will definitely go back at some time to see it all properly, hopefully when the weather is warmer!
We often pop to the Arboretum for various memorial events as we have an ex military family, however, today was just for a walk in pleasant surroundings.

The area is wonderfully maintained and the staff are always pleasant and helpful.

Even if you are not a lover of military history, this is still a lovely place to visit.
Beautiful, sad, atmospheric!!

Everyone should go to say thanks and show respect. We so much owed by so many, to so few who gave us so much.
I came here again and it is so lovely, peaceful and very nostalgic. The layout of the site is very good and with so much to see you really need the whole day to do it justice. There is something for everyone whatever your vocation. The train provides a good chance for the people who have difficulty in walking. Well done
We visited the National Memorial Arboretum today and even in the face of biting cold wind you cannot fail to be moved by the many different ways, the fallen in all of the services, both military and civilian are remembered. The Arboretum is well laid out and the avenues lead you to the many different memorials. Firm paths to most areas make it very accessible for push chairs and wheelchairs. A well stocked restaurant provides a welcome rest bite from the March chill, especially the hot chocolate drinks ...
If you are anywhere near this place, do go it is a salutary experience and really brings home the sacrifice so many have made to keep us free.
There are many hidden treasures at the National Arboretum, and as a veteran myself it was a place that I had to visit. It is a place of remembrance and is wonderfully laid out as a memorial to our fallen comrades.

I was surprised to see just how many memorials there are and just the massive size of the grounds. It is a place that everyone should visit at least once in their lives.

We found that it was virtually impossible to get around all of it in just one visit.
Although the Arboretum is currently undergoing refurbishment it is still open. It is well patronised by veterans and current serving members of all 3 Forces for reflection and remembrance. Open to all who treat the Arboretum with respect. It amazes me that the school children that visit can and do ask some very searching and deep questions and show an understanding that maybe us adults have forgotten how to. Please visit.
Almost made me cry, everyone should visit, this is real history for today, that brings the grave impact of conflict into a modern day arena, in a way that will leave you existentially changed. You will never be the same after this experience!
We should not celebrate war, but we should never forget. This is an excellent place to remember. Very well kept, good shop and a new extension on the way.
The National Arboretum is one of our hidden treasures, you cannot help but be moved by the tributes to all our fallen comrades, friends and family members. Spanning many conflicts this memorial garden hosts the memories of so many brave and ordinary people - all of whom can be seen as hero's.
Spend some quality time learning, reflecting and remembering casualties who gave their lives that we may live.
The memorials are added to all the time army navy airforce police etc so many groups of people have not been commemorated but now they are it is a tasteful area to visit calm and dignity for those lost if you have a relative whos died over the past years this is the place for a visit.Or just just maybe to say there but for the grace of god.
After spending a very full morning at the Arboretum, we looked for food and were most impressed. There was a good choice of food, reasonably priced.
This National memorial to the fallen of many countries, creeds and faiths is a place to reflect. Constantly being improved and updated, they cater for every visitor and take care to inform and educate.
A well presented, informative, and deeply moving memorial.

For those who have been involved in the various conflicts it must fill them with pride and, at the same time be extremely humbling.
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