National Memorial Arboretum

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This is a very special place that has made a lot of progress in the last five years. The loud music in the cafeteria which disturbed a previous visit has been rectified, and all staff demonstrate real commitment to the memorial. Those with a personal reason for visiting will feel cared for. Highly recommended.
I visited the national arboretum for the first time today and it is truly an amazing place that the United Kingdom can be proud of.
Lovely staff who couldn't do enough for everyone and nice facilities.
Lovely place to celebrate and remember the people who died for the country.
We loved our morning here. The highlight was the guided tour, available twice a day which cost £3 a head. The insights and knowledge of our guide really added to our understanding of the various monuments and much of the symbolism behind each one.
Unfortunately the visitor centre will be closing for a year after Remberance Day 2015 but a despite this I would highly recommend a visit
On a recent narrow boat holiday on the Trent and Mersey Canal, we stopped at Alrewas. Both myself and my brother in law are ex service men and we decided to visit the National Memorial Arboretum. It was a truly fascinating and humbling experience to see all the memorials. The setting is superb with plenty of seating for quiet contemplation. The site is quite large and it is difficult to see it all in one day, so I would recommend. a couple of visits if you want to see it all.
Entrance is free, there is a large cafe marquee with a good choice of food and drinks. There is also a bus that takes you around the site, this is not free and can get quite full.
It was raining when we arrived but it didn't spoil our visit. We had coffee in the lovely cafe and I bought several items from the gift shop. It's free to park but they ask for a donation. At 11 o'clock we went into the church where the last post sounded and then 2 minutes silence after a short talk on how the Arboretum came to be. Interesting. After we took the train for £ 5 each. It's about 50 minutes and takes you slowly around the area showing quite a lot of the memorials. It's huge so of course you can't see every thing in one day. But I have to say it was very interesting. Sorry but as from the 12 th November the main memorial will be closed for refurbishment but it's still very much worth a visit as there is so much to see.
A friend was keen to go. I had my doubts but I enjoyed it. The introductory train tour was useful. We saw an egret and a heron on the riverside walk.
The national memorial arboretum is a fantastic place to visit to appreciate all of the wonderful people who have served our country, not only that but we have a special place to visit for a precious little girl who was taken from us too soon as we have a memorial tree with a plaque. Staff are always friendly and they rely totally on donations. Please take the time to visit this magical place and pay your respects.
It is over 2 years since we were last here and there are many changes and additional memorials. The main car park is now 'off site' and parking was £3.00 for the day, and the car park had attendants taking the money; the original car park is for disabled car vehicles only. There is building work going on mainly around the visitors centre and as previously mentioned the main memorial is being moved to a temporary (for approx. 12 months) position. As it was half term the centre and grounds were very busy, but the further we walked away from the centre the more peaceful it was with lots of areas for reflection and thoughts on those no longer with us. We will go again but not until the building work has been completed.
Went with my hubby and our dog. Hubby and I went in first to see the main memorial and some other parts that I couldn't take the dog. We then went back to the car and got the dog, we had a lovely walk round the outside of the arboretum, we could hook him up to a dog tether to go in and see some memorials close to the edge. Very impressive, the memorials are stunning and very thought provoking. Would highly recommend a visit.
Had a day here last week. Thoroughly interesting and thought provoking day. Could not have got round the site (150 acres) without the help of the train which went round the site Very interesting and clear recorded commentary about the memorials. Would recommend as a day out.
The memorials themselves are varied in design and materials and are themselves simultaneously moving and beautiful. However, the landscaping and its maintenance are disappointing. There is currently (October 2015) work taking place on a new visitor centre and moving the main memorial to a temporary location for drainage works to be carried out on the real one. The catering is in two locations, a cafe / snack area and a Restraunt serving hot lunches in a very professional marquee. There is plenty of free parking on t.
we have been three times lately and still not seen everything as there are so much to see there. we went today and at 11am there is the 2 min silence which takes place every day, the staff are friendly and are eager to answer any questions,there is train and buggy rides which are reasonably priced with running commentary, there is something for everyone to see,
I never expected this place to be so vast. This place goes t show how much we do and should not forget our Fallen heroes who paid the ultimate sacrifice. 150 acres. Not enough time to walk around the whole. Will return for several reasons. One negative for myself was that the Sunday carvery was best avoided. The sweet was delicious but the main was lets say we only hate it as my wife was STARVING. Greens not cooked shown the pan then whipped out, the meat was over cooked- near cremated/ dry as a fart.
From the Act of Remembrance Service and the Two Minute Silence in the Chapel to our disembarkation from the Buggy Tour this was a visit that will remain in our memories for a very long time. Amazing memorials all thoughtfully designed to blend in with the trees, shrubs and plants. A fitting tribute to to all those who have sacrificed their lives for us.
Well worth a visit, lovely place for a contemplating walk. Amazing memorials and a thought provoking experience.
Well worth a visit for anybody, most people will have a connection with the forces, with the military or civil. A place to remember those that have served.
An extensive memorial garden to all those who have given their all for their country, including the beautiful central Armed Forces Memorial, naming all those who made the supreme sacrifice since 1945.
Wander through the individual Military Branches, including Warship, Regimental and Squadron memorials.
Ride of respect by motorcyclists, held annually, to recognise the ultimate sacrifice paid by members of our armed forces. The Arboretum is well worth a visit at any time, and the RTTW event is a simply superb event.
My partner represented his country with the Parachute Regiment during the Falklands conflict and he was completely overwhelmed. It is a beautiful setting, peaceful and thought provoking. Well worth a visit.
Didn't expect to be so wowed by it all. The memorials are mostly well thought out and very beautiful or at least thought provoking. What a super place!
We're visiting Birmingham, a revitalised energetic city but couldn't leave the region without visiting The National Memorial Arboretum. We only allowed 4 or 5 hours and so will return; next time we'll spend most of the day to check out all the memorials.
If you visit - and you must if you care about our country, and inspiring, heroic deeds - do bring your walking legs with you, along with a supply of tissues.
This vast, landscaped park has more memorials to our heroes than we could count, and as we'd started our quest later than we should have, we had to leave them for another visit, but the emotional affect of those that we managed to see was totally unexpected.
There are memorials to our emergency services, our armed services, volunteer organisations and those of our allies, but the small memorials to individuals, often planted by their families and friends, were incredibly touching.
Again unexpectedly, the memorial to the huge Polish contribution to our defence in WW2 was an intense experience and worth spending some time studying. I came away much more aware of the War's 'Polish story'.
The Basra wall and the memorial to our recent Afghanistan experience were harrowing, but the Armed Services Memorial, which showed year-by-year how each of our services lost members was an intense experience for me, and for many of the other visitors.
Do take the Land Train to see many of - but not all - the main memorials and if unable to walk for long periods ( this park is BIG ) do ask for a wheelchair, or bring your own. Mobility scooters are welcome, 'though not able to access the main cafe; help will be available.
Entrance is free, but there is an opportunity to donate in order to assist planned extensions to this wonderful area.
If you're like me you'll come away chastened but proud. This visit was a sobering experience but I am so, so happy we visited. I think you will be too.
I was so pleased to spend my first visit to the National Memorial Arboretum this week.

The site claims to cover 150 acres, so it is impossible to cover all the memorials in one visit but I would recommend making use of the land train facility at £5 per person which covers a major part of the grounds and includes a comprehensive and informative commentary.

For someone born after WW2 reading the inscriptions on the various memorials was a humbling and mind provoking experience which will stay with me for ever.

This was a very interesting visit, a good day out and one which will repeated.
Third time lucky we finally visited this incredible memorial on a cold but sunny day. The train with commentary is well worth the cost, lasts an hour and then gives you the opportunity to wander at leisure and visit the individual monuments and gardens at leisure. The cafe is reasonably priced with good food even though it is now in a temporary construction owing to further developments taking place. Having visited both WW1 and WW2 memorials in France this country should be proud of the Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire.
This was my second trip here as I needed to see what I missed the first time just over a year ago. There are more memorials now, most notably the Camp Bastion one. I would recommend the guided tour - it's excellent value at £3. They explain things you would not notice yourself. You can take a train trip round for £5 but you don't get on and off it. Do not miss 'Shot at dawn' - it is intensely moving
The cafe and visitor centre and the memorial immediately outside are being refurbished so it's a bit of a building site right now
A nice sense of peace and a very special place, so calm and tranquil. So much thought and care has gone into all the memorials. We used the road train to have a look around and the commentary was excellent, the best way for a first visit. We will go back and have a wonder around the site as there are so many memorials you feel you want pay respect properly. Staff were very welcoming and knowledgable.
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