National Memorial Arboretum

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It was on our list of places to visit, and we chose a Gray day to come which set the mood for the day. I am poorly sighted and lack mobility so had pre-ordered a scooter which served me well. I managed to get to most places but some memorials seemed a bit out of reach, but what I saw really moved me.
I think a better mapping system could help as this is a huge site and it is easy to miss things, perhaps a detailed map app would help. It was good to see a class from RAF Cranwell experiencing the venue and I spent some time chatting to one of their team. A great experience and we will return.
A beautifully landscaped and sculpted area. The memorials cover a hugely wide spread of military and non military groups. There is a dedicated walking route for those who want to take dogs. Fantastically tended areas. Poignant, thought provoking, moving and inspiring all in equal measure. Simply a fantastic asset for every citizen of these isles paying respect to every man, woman and child that has contributed to this fabulous kingdoms history and future.
Have not been for a visit this year but it is a very moving place and full of interest.
Shot at dawn not to be missed will be going back later in year
A unique and important site that we should all visit and most will also enjoy. Poignant but also peaceful and beautifully laid out. This large site housing 100's of memorial - large & imposing through small but though provoking to those simply honouring an individual - is vast but flat and in addition to the countless paved walkways and grassy paths there is an excellent land-train tour (£5 - takes a full hour). Monuments, woods, river, displays - all wonderfully maintained by excellent staff & the site also ably supported by many volunteers. An entrance area cafe and a very good tented Pavilion lunch room also offer more than decent snacks and hot meals.

Allow a full day (even if you think you only have a passing interest the site will probably draw you in). Free entrance & car parking - donations welcomed but not demanded.

A very worthwhile site and visit. Recommended to fellow Tripadvisors - we should probably all visit at least once to honour & remember and, we suspect, enjoy thoroughly too.
I've visited the NMA on a number of occasions and I never miss the Rememberance Day Service every November. The faciilities are great. Lovely restaurent. Friendly and helpful staff and plenty of mobility aids for the elderly and infirm.
Set in 150 acres it is the most amazing tribute to everyone who has died in war conflict.The hundreds of memorials are spaced out in the 150 acres.Some are huge and spectacular,others small and simple but all have words of loving tributes.To wander around the grounds is a most humbling experience,an emotional roller coaster.Everyone involved in this creation deserves unreserved praise.A friend and I spent four and a half hours in admiration of all that we saw.I think it will take at least another two visits to cover all the tributes.I recomend that everyone should visit the memorial at least once in their life time.For those who do not or cannot walk around there is a train which goes around and there is a commontary.Or there are golf carts and mobility scooters.There is a cafe which serves excellent food and drinks.Admission is by voluntary contribution. Having talked about the memorial after the visit I was amazed at the number of people who had never heard of it.
We visited the NA in the autumn, just before the trees started to change colour, excellent. You could visit throughout the year and see the changing faces of the trees and flowers. We took a guided tour of the main parts of the NA and found this to,be most informative from a dedicated guide. We joined a group of riflemen and toured the site on foot. The most heart stopping monument was to the soldiers of the First World War who were shot for cowardice, a very dark day in the history of the armed forces. It was good to see smaller tributes to the GPO etc. A free car park and only donations asked for. We came away with a turmoil of thoughts, feeling humble and thankful.
Lovely day, albeit chilly. The most memorable bit was the museum area about Changi prison in Singapore. One soldier went in to the prison at 12 stone and came out in liberalization 4 stone. We owe such debt to our brave service people. The Parachute Regiment statues are stunning as is the RAF statue.
I visited here to visit a memorial of someone close to me, but found each memorial to feel like the whole place belonged to it. Such a special place and found it to be very peaceful in a beautiful surrounding. Signs around the place could have been clearer as we did struggle to find our way, but the staff were second to none in helping us on our way.

There is a lot of work going on around the area with construction vehicles etc but sure it is only short term. There is a car park next to the entrance for disabled, the rest is a short walk down the road. There is also facilities for food, toilets etc and a little gift shop too.
We only had a quick snack, but the sandwiches were very nice and the cake even better! there was plenty of room for the disabled to sit at a table with good wheelchair / electric buggy access
The National Memorial Arboretum is an amazing place, so much to see on a single trip, take the little train with an on board guide for the best results.
Impossible to see it all on foot, great memories of a great day.
They are in the process of building a new reception area with other facilities, cafeteria was nice for a quick snack, then back to the memorial park
We decided to visit the National Memorial Arboretum as we had heard so much about it and felt it was somewhere we had to go, even though we have no military connections. I did not realise that the Arboretum is national in every sense and includes memorials to many losses, not only the armed forces. It is a truly lovely place to visit and is very thought provoking. As it was our first visit, we took the train ride which was informative and was run by a very entertaining volunteer.
The national memorial arboretum is a brilliant place , you can take a ride on a train with a guide pointing out all about the statues and monuments , the food the serve in the carvery is outstanding and you get a lot . if you are disabled they have mobility scooters , the staff are always helpful , each memorial has a story why its been put in that particular place and the way its laid out , they have services dedicated to our fallen hero s through out the year , different regiments . there is the river tame with wild life on , they have activity for children . have been loads of times , went on armed forces day .
Awesome place to visit, takes a bit of time to see it all, we took a ride on the train to go round the Arboretum, & then walked to various Memorial's. Try to pick a nice day as rain cut our visit short, but we will be back to see it again
The place is vast - think massive and you aren't even close! We covered maybe a quarter of it and looked at various memorials which are close to my heart. It is sad when you read names of people you knew who are no longer with us, but positive that they are not forgotten.
On a slightly negative note, why does the UK have such a tradition of shutting up shop at 5pm on the dot, surely a place such as this should be open into the early evening, allowing more people the oppertunity to visit?
Very impressive all round - even in the temporary facilities that were there when we went.
No idea that there were so many monuments to so many institutions.
A place of remembrance to all our fallen forces men and women who served for us, i salute every name on the plaques and say thank you to all and bless you all
Have visited 3 times, and each time found it very interesting yet sad has well for those who have died in war.
Everyone should visit, totally fabulous memorial. The events held here are amazing as well. Also brilliant place for a school trip. Brings it to reality for the children x
This is a must visit. It brings home all those
who gave so we may live in freedom. There is a small train that takes you around pointing out the main points of interest.
This is a fantastic place. A very nice place to visit for families whether it be the general public, families of the fallen or current service families paying their respects. The layout is excellent, the staff are very helpful and the cafeteria is very good. You can take your own picnics. There is a short walk from the car park to the venue but disabled parking can be arranged prior to the visit to park at the venue itself. It was a very emotional visit for us, as with most people but the kindred spirit amongst the old and young, families and strangers are united at this memorial. There are many events/commemorations held here so best to check in advance if you do not like crowds. The arboretum is huge but there is a little 'train' that can take you from A-B for a small fee.
Very thoughtful place to visit, memorials to all services including foreign servicemen that gave their lives for world peace. Peaceful to walk around and you leave with a feeling of pride in our servicemen and women and the sacrifice made in the pursuit of world peace.
This is such a special place that makes any visit so worthwhile. It makes you think of the sacrifice that men and women serving in the armed services have made for their family, friends and country.
Reading the names of those who have fallen since 1945 was very emotive, there are just so many names. Everything has been so well thought out and well laid out with great attention to detail.
The memorials are all so different and well designed.
Everywhere was clean and tidy and all the visitors were respectful of this special place.
The food available was good quality and we enjoyed the meal.
It is sad that such a place is needed but so glad that the service of the fallen has been recognised.
My first visit to this beautiful is very moving with over 300 memorials set in a lovely landscaped area, not all these are for the Armed Forces, though the main one is impressive, but some smaller areas dedicated to W.I. ,Boys' Brigade Bevin Boys etc.....well worth a visit!
It's a brilliant place to go it has a peaceful air about it .Its perfect for anyone who is disabled they have small trains that take you around looking at all the memorials which can carry wheelchairs .It is beautifully kept and really makes you realise how many people have risked their lives so we can be free
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