National Memorial Arboretum

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If you got some free family time then I suggest you go there with your kids to give them a history lesson,honestly saying I got really emotional at one stage just walking along and looking at the memorial and what great people did for our country,even tho it was a memorial to me it felt like they where still with us,swear it could touch your heart just to imagine what these heroes legends did.... RIP GLADIATORS.... U R THE ONES.... Guys take your family kids youngsters and other members to share this experience .... Honestly even tho we wasn't around back then you'd feel as tho you was and that's just a BEAUTIFUL feeling on it's own never mind anything els,great place to have a stroll round too....
I visited this wonderful place over two days. I went for remembrance Sunday, but also went the day before as I wanted to take some photos with less people around. The arboretum is wonderful. Beautiful memorials, well-kept gardens, friendly informative staff. The first day, Saturday was cold with torrential rain. I decided to take the train tour. The driver was great. He supplied me with a blanket and was clearly passionate about his job, stopping to tell me interesting things. He even offered to wait so I could photograph "shot at dawn" as it's off the beaten track, a little.There is lots to see and I spent two lovely days there. Remembrance Sunday was very poignant. Last Post and then more upbeat music later on. I am planning to take my elderly Mother here. She will love it and they have the option of a mobility car to take you round in for the less able. I would gladly have paid an entry fee.
We visit the arboretum along with guests who come to stay. Very moving especially the armed forces memorial, but well worth the walk around the grounds to see all the other forces, including fire and police

We have been with civilians and soldiers

A place for quiet, peace and rememberance
Living near to the NMA ,it's convenient to visit .
I love the tranquility and feeling of history here.
As my father died in WW2 I love the respect shown to all our heroes.
When I have visitors its a great place to take them, it is well appreciated by both my male and female friends and they ,like me ,leave with a desire to return
Totally amazing place to have a walk. Look at all the memorials from the First World War until present. Good to remember those who served for this country. Over 300 memorials to see. Free entry you just pay around £3 for the car park.
The NMA is our national centre for remembrance. It's not all about the military as many think it is. It's a place for all to visit - to remember and to think. it's truly wonderful.
We were not sure what to expect, but were very impressed by this Memorial. In fact this is not one memorial, but hundreds of all design, both traditional and modern. Some memorials refer to individuals, others represent regiments, armies and the many organisations who all played their part when the nation end needed them.
We were very moved throughout our visit. However, one unexpected area was that dedicated to the memory of unborn children.
Visiting on a grey day in December, with bare trees was an experience. However, as many of the memorials are on grassed areas, we would recommend going after dry weather.
Thought provoking trip to The National Arboretum. Lots to cover as it is spread out over a big area. A very respectful memorial to the victims of war. Well worth a visit but wrap up warm as it is very open.
We visited on a very cold and foggy day which set the tone for what this quiet place is there to remind us of.

We will return in future during each season as the arboretum will clearly reflect the changing seasons and moods
Don't try to visit for just a couple of hours. This one needs a full day!! Absolutely awesome.
Very helpful staff. Electric wheelchairs if you need one, are only £5 for the full day, and if you need help with walking they are essential. The whole experience was absolutely mind blowing, and we are already planning a return visit.
The scale and the vastness of the memorials was awesome. Information set out in informative and interesting displays. Free entry which encourages donations.
Helpful, cheerful staff.
Clean facilities with good disabled person access.
Beautifully well kept grounds. If a little water-logged in parts.
Extraordinary very many.
Good, clean and efficient in the layout. Volunteer staff are very helpful. Road train, mobility scooters and buggies available to cover the many acres of ground. The memorials for various services that have had members lost in conflicts are well kept and well documented.The services are second to none. A must for ex service personal and families who have lost relatives. It is a days visit and very informative leaving one with saddened thoughts.
Not only will this place be great in 100 years when the trees are all grown but it has a number of gardens/memorials. From babies with SIDS to boys shot at dawn. The big walls are all for the services. I guess it makes you reflect on the joy of life and the pointlessness of death. So I choose joy and pleasure in those that are and those asleep.
Very nice visit apart from the weather. Many memorials commemorating people who have died in all wars since the First World War to present day. Both large and small memorials set in hundreds of acres of land. Too many to see on a cold day but will go back. Very good restaurant serving a variety of food hot and cold. Nice gift shop.
I have been here a number of times and I find it surprising how moved I am by each visit. We made a family visit on 11th November to take part in the memorial service. We left our poppies at the "Shot at Dawn" memorial. It is very sobering to see representation of how many people have given their lives for us.
The Arboretum is somewhere you can always find a place for your own thoughts. A wonderful collection of memorials. Well worth a visit (or more).
OMG what an experience got to be seen to believe so moving well designed well organised vast and emotional glad we've been will go back again at different time off year a must to see !!!!
Living in Alrewas we visit the Arboretum quite a lot and it has been wonderful watching it grow. It is a very peaceful place to visit and very important to support this wonderful space. Our children enjoy it and find learning about the history of our country very interesting and I feel very proud to have such a wonderful place on our doorstep.
We visited the National Arboretum today and it is honestly so much more interesting than you could ever imagine. The shot at dawn memorial was really moving and upsetting. All of the plaques and names in the war are very inspirational. The gift shop is lovely and good value for the money. The staff and guides are very friendly and tell wonderful stories about the soldiers and the times in the war. A must visit. Beautiful day with a lot of mixed emotions.
We went on Armistice's Sunday this year and were overwhelmed by the dignified memorial to all nationalities who have given their lives for this country, sadly the empty walls waiting for future victims of conflict are a chilling reminder of the world in which we live. Better signage would be helpful to those unfamiliar with the area and a warning - I have never seen as many speed cameras they seemed to be every five hundred yards.
Dear All, I thought that visitors to your site might be encouraged to take pictures of this fine Sun Dial dedicated to SAS Soldier Phil Currass who lost his life during the Falklands War 1982. Every time I look at it especially after rain it takes on a different aspect, often magnifying the detail. Hope that this is of interest. Have breakfast in the morning or the splendid lunch before or after your journey to the Allied Special Forces Memorial Grove.
Visited on Saturday, hired a buggy for the four of us to be taken around, and had a guide called Jo, she was fantastic, we had an absolutely wonderful, and quite sad at times, day! Jo has an absolute passion for the whole place, and told us lots of anecdotes, and all the facts she knew was amazing, and such a lovely lady,Nashe made our visit. We had lunch, which was in with the price of the buggy tour, it was lovely, and more than I'd envisaged, really moving. Everyone at the arboretum was helpful, and friendly, and the work that goes on, and the thought that has gone into the making of this place is astounding. We will return, as we still haven't seen it all, and we were ther all day, a wonderful place, and we will be visiting again.
This is a must visit just to get a sense of the feelings and emotions that people who went through the war's,It is a fitting tribute well maintained and immaculate spread over a lot of acreage so be prepared for a lot of walking or you can get a guided tour on a train or buggies.The food is a decent standard in the cafe the oniy negatives on the day you have to exit through the gift shop which is chaotic and we had to park on the spill over car park and thats a little hike.
A must visit. I live next door, and having visited many times I still have not seen all of the memorials. A wonderful place....calm, peaceful and moving. The future investment and development will make this a national treasure.
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