National Memorial Arboretum

4.9/5 based on 11453 reviews
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Visited on a Sunday,weather was great which was a bonus,Arboretum was easily accessed from the A50,on arrival there was plenty of car parking spaces and the price to park all day was very reasonable.
Entry is free to the Arboretum,access is via the the restaurant/shop area.
On arrival we had breakfast at the restaurant,the food was good and reasonably priced.
As for the site,it is superb,large,well laid out and a fitting memorial to the many who have given so much,we had a full day there wandering around,there is a lot to see and it is well worth a visit,there are areas where you can picnic and we took advantage of this.
I went early in the day on my way to a conference and had 3 hours to spare. I could have spent the whole day. It is vast. I only scratched the surface. I did the 1 hour 'train' tour which is good but you need to be on foot as well to go off the roads. Our driver kept saying 'over there is' but you really could not see what he was referring to. They are adding to it all the time. I went in November just after 11 November commemorations and there were poppies and crosses wherever, it was typical November weather and a bit gloomy, but talking to one of the very helpful staff he said the best time is in the spring when the flowers and trees are just out.

There is a very good restaurant/cafe on site and the inevitable gift shop. I can't wait to back with more time to spend.

You pay for the car park but the rest is free unless you chose to go on the train.

I will certainly go back - it is a very humbling experience.
This place is a one off and not to be missed. Each time we visit there is something new. The variety is amazing and because it is a living thing, it changes with time in addition to the new monuments. It is a very moving place and can be quite solemn in places but it should be on everyone's list tovisit
Its the place British people should go to .every one must know some one commemorated here.
any one can go ,there are wheelchairs /motor wheel chairs & a tour transporter for the movement of people that cant walk te most emotional place i have been, i drive coaches for a living & i was sent here as a job but i will be coming back to spend more time here
On a very pleasant Sunday afternoon we decided to return to the NMA as we live very near. It is about 2 years since we last visited and the trees have matured and many more memorials added. Although the NMA is a place for reflection and contemplation on man's madness it is a beautiful well visited place by all ages.On Sunday there was a military band and a corps of drums which provided a time of entertainment too. For anyone who has never visited I recommend that they make an effort to go as soon as possible. I hope I'm still around in another twenty years to see the trees mature.
this is a dramatic and ever growing park full of dedications and remembrances for all the services who gave their lives for us
I think Everyone should visit our National Memorial Arboretum especially school outings so the generations will never forget what the heroes of ours & allied nations gave their lives for
The gardens are a beautiful place to remember the sacrifices made by all of our armed forces & our friends,
It is a massive area and will take all day to wander to see all the individual memorials to different Countries, Regiments, Squadrons etc. A road train is available to the less mobile at a small price,
Carparking is a reasonable price, Entry is Free but donations are very welcome, Good quality food available and a shop to buy your gifts, Well worth a visit.
Wanted to visit since it was opened. It is so worth the visit, we went with our friends both guys being ex servicemen. We found names of people we knew on the main memorial & I found memorial plaques for the regiment one of my uncles was with in WW1 & one for the naval division another was with in WW2 both lost thier lives, I was able to place poppy crosses for them. The thought that went into this place is very good & work is still being done. I do advise getting there early as there is so much to see. It is not a place to rush. The memorial to the shot at dawn men was very moving. The staff are friendly & very helpful one man told me exactly where I could find the regiment I was looking for even down to the tree thier plaque is on. I will go agin as we missed so much.
Made a visit to this memorial at the weekend be prepared to do a lot of walking it's set in 15 achres of parkland with the river Trent running beside it.
It would be worth purchasing the guide map to know where everything is there is facilities for guided tours in powered buggies or a powerl driven road train for the less able bodied.There is a shop and cafe area which we ordered a Sunday carvery and crumble for a reasonable 9.50 each.
All services are remembered here from 20 th century conflicts onwards
The memorials don't convey any real glory in war but to me at leasts shows how futile they are.
Take a look at the 1300 trees planted representing each merchant ship lost during WW2 and you start to grasp the loss of life suffered . The centre piece of coarse is the arboretum listing soldiers lost in conflicts to the present day (stonemasons were writing more names on it while we were there) . It was almost as sad to see the blank wall ready for names of future casualties of wars.
I would whole heartedly recommend this place you can't help but be moved by the sheer numbers of memorials set aside walking shoes and at least half a day it's surprising who time goes there
Everyone should go here. It makes you think about how lucky we are to have so many young people who are willing to lay down their lives for this wonderful country. A peaceful place, amongst stunning trees where you can have some quiet contemplation or a delicious lunch and listen to the Band. A place to think about others.
The National memorial at the arboretum give you a feeling of being on hallowed ground no matter what your religion.or indeed complete lack of one. The gardens are peaceful,the memorial is a reminder of the sacrifices made by our and our allied armed forces. Entry is free {£3.00} carparking. To see everything a whole day is needed it is a big place. For those who have difficulty in walking long distances,or those who just want a ride a road train service is available for a modest fee. The catering is of a high standard not only for the quality of the food but the impeccable hygiene too. In my opinion it is a privilege to visit.
We visited this place a while ago with my husband who used to be in the RAF and I wanted to see the memorial place where my friend's son was killed in action whilst in Afghanistan (along with the dog).
Decided to follow instructions on website and use public transport to get there from Lichfield. Left bus at Alrewas and followed driver's instructions to cross A38 and follow signs. That was memorable but we survived although the '15 minute' walk took about 30 minutes along a busy road with no pavement and an uneven grass verge. Some others on the bus took 40 minutes. At weekends, buses go to entrance of Arboretum and would not recommend midweek travel.
Once there it is most impressive with a great range of memorials of all sizes and we certainly learned a lot about individuals and groups in recent history. With a splendid main memorial dominating the site, it is a pity that the few permanent buildings look like large neglected garden sheds in need of upkeep with what amounts to a souvenir stall alongside selling tawdry overpriced tat, totally out of keeping with the rest of the site.
Whether you have any connection with the armed services or not, this is the most peaceful,beautiful well thought out living memorial. Since one of our party is not too mobile, we chose to have the VIP package which includes a guided tour with a senior guide aboard a six seater buggy. It is yours for the day and they will take you around any areas that are special to you. It also includes a two course lunch in the private dining room.
Our guide was extremely knowledgeable and so very happy to impart his enthusiasm and knowledge to us ( the guides are volunteers) we went to the chapel where a two minute silence is held every day of the year. Then a short talk on how the arboretum came into existence. Then touring around with a leisurely break for lunch. A full day from 10.30 til after 4. This cost just £20 each. Our guide,Paul, made it all so interesting and his descriptions of how each memorial had been designed to be significant to the memory of those it represented was just fascinating. I urge everyone to visit this place young or old. It is completely free to go in. £3 to park your car that is all, although a donation is most definitely warranted. The money we spent for our private tour though was definitely money well spent. The staff couldn't have been more helpful and the lunch was absolutely delicious.
Well laid out over large site but good location services and a nice train around the site for identifying areas worthy of further exploration.
I visited this venue with my veteran husband and young family. It is a very beautiful, peaceful and thought provoking place. We were all there for different reasons - my husband wanted to see the memorials (and recognised a name of one or two comrades), I am interested in history and also like the landscaping, my 5 yr old daughter enjoyed 'tree spotting' with her book and had a chat with some WW1 soldiers, and my 2 yr old enjoyed just being pushed around in his buggy and a bit or a run around later on. We completed the self-led family trail, which is now proudly stuck inside my daughter's holiday diary. We had a meal in the restaurant , where the food was good. A lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon, for example. If I lived more locally, I would come here more often.
Whether a serviceman or not you cannot fail to be moved by the peace and tranquillity of the arboretum. The ever increasing number of memorials are tastefully included into the arboretum. Stop and talk to someone there and listen to their story. Be at peace with the memorial
beautiful place, well kept, gardens really nice, feeling of peace and a lesson to all of us after a few hours here.
Free to enter, but all profits from the very good restaurant or souvenirs go towards the upkeep of this memorial Arboretum. Memories will be provoked from the areas from all forces from all over the world. Consider that there are some 15000 names on the central memorial, and these are only since the second world war. If you have connection with the forces or have had the misfortune to have lost someone in conflict, this is a must to visit.
I visited this attraction thinking that I was merely going to see a war memorial. Oh boy was I surprised..... There are around 300 memorials varying from the large forces memorial on a huge mound to a simple memorial for still born babies. Every force from all over the world is represented including a special building for the Far East, Burma railway, River Kwai. It is extremely moving - we picked a day that wasn't particularly busy. There are volunteers everywhere with lots of tales to tell. The cafe serves reasonable food and although it is free to enter there is a £3 car park charge. We spent most of the day there and still didn't see it all...... We actually didn't see one of the main memorials called 'Shot at dawn' which is a memorial to all deserters shot during WW1.
Amazing, moving and wonderfull place to visit. Everyone should go at least once. Very well kept and a joy to visit.
After visiting this place for the third time I have finally decided to write a review, as it really deserves be shared.

For starters its free entry with just £3 for parking but we always give more as so worth it. There is so much to see and each visit we find something we've not seen before. The site is exceptionally well kept and in a very tasteful manner. The memorials are all individual and with some moving inscriptions.

The centre piece is amazing and visible from all arts of the site. The walls with all the names of the lost souls is beyond words, as are the statues placed there.

The restaurant is great with some great found, drinks and snacks all at responsible prices for the quality of the food. Its always busy but we've always managed to get a seat. Its definitely worth having a tea break at least.

The shop is tasteful and again worth visit as the gifts are ideal for anyone and any occasions.

Overall the place is worth a visit even if its just the once.
Very moving, peaceful, meaningful, tragic,amazing, respectful, picturesque, memorable, beautiful, calming, inspiring, touching place. Visit this place, you won't be disappointed.

Parking. Caff. Toilets.
The NMA is right in the heart of England and very close to Lichfield. It is an amazing place - beautifully landscaped and a great place to visit whether you have someone you know who is remembered or just to see the memorials. I went to the Millenium chapel for the 11am silence which is an incredibly moving experience. Recommend everyone to visit to reflect on the sacrifices made by very brave people.
A very large site, the central area with the engraved names and sculptures is a sad reminder of how many lives have been lost since 1945. The world doesn't seem to have learnt any lessons!
Make sure you visit the Far East section, the Sumatra and Burma railway areas. The 'hut' has an exhibition with videos, personal experiences, etc of the soldiers and civilians who were the Japanese prisoners of war.
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