National Memorial Arboretum

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We were surprised at the size of the site not having expected it to be as large as it is, set beside the river. We had expected the memorials to be only of a military nature but this is not the case by any means, civilian organisations and individuals are also commemorated there. The central memorial commemorating all the service personnel killed since WWII, and there are a lot, is truly impressive. The two groups of sculptures are extremely evocative. Other memorials, particularly that of the Parachute Regt. are very impressive works of art. A tranquil location with space to stroll and reflect on the sacrifices that others have made on our behalf.
I was pleasantly surprised by this truly magical place. It is an enormous site, covering around 150 acres. There are surprises around every corner and I was truly moved by some of the events described very vividly but in such an interesting way. Particularly poignant was the Shot at Dawn memorial, particularly as those men were recently granted a royal pardon. It consisted of a group of named wooden stakes, one for each man, in a woodland glade. I could hardy speak, I felt so emotional. In many of the memorials, there were stories of bravery and courage which were so moving it was hard to keep a dry eye. There are new memorials being built all the time and of course as the trees become more mature, the site will look even more beautiful. We were lucky that the April sun was shining and this made the experience so much more enjoyable. It is however also a very sad place and the stunning Armed Forces Memorial, dedicated to deaths since 1945 just emphasises to me the futility of recent wars. The lovely gardens dedicated to dozens of other well deserved groups of people, Innocent Children, Lifeboat Men Guides, even police dogs and others too numerous to mention. All gave their lives to this country. The National Memorial can only improve with time and I look forward to visiting again in the future.
This relatively new site is beautifully presented on a mainly flat site. The memorials themselves are interesting and varied and the whole site can be viewed from the raised central memorial itself really wonderful (easy access ramps and buggy rides are available). The planting of the site is most thoughtfully done and the tree specimens while marvellous can only improve with age. The site is free to enter and £3 for car park. Another element to the planting scheme is a perfumed garden for blind veterans all absolutely great. All on hand are busy whether setting out up coming displays, driving folk around, making refreshments and making everyone welcome.

Good job well done thanks and congratulations this was a lovely visit.
This is a place I have passed many times on the A38 and thought it was about time to visit. We went the first week of the Easter holidays as they were putting on some craft workshops for the kids. It's free to get in but you pay £3 for all day parking (nicely laid out car park if you are precious about your car like I am!) and you pay for a guide if you want to. It is a beautifully laid out setting with each of the memorials beautifully made. The Armed Forces Memorial was stunning. A quiet place for contemplation and viewing the 16,000 names is quite astounding. We were told that there is space for another 16,000.
We had a meal in the cafe which was nice, the staff were friendly and helpful. My son had a good time making a Chinese wind sock which we had to pay a £1 for. I'm sure he used £5 in materials!
There is a well stocked shop with the usual trinkets and goodies.

All I can say is if you have sometime to spare take a visit to this place. You will be impressed I'm sure.
We came here a couple of years ago and was impressed but now there are even more monuments and gardens and it looks like more are being installed. It's a beautiful place and going round seeing the tributes is very emotional - uplifting and draining at the same time. If you've problems walking distances take a trip on the train, there's an informative documentary and the driver is incredibly helpful, and of course the money helps maintain the place. You do pay for parking but it is only £3 for the day. It's well worth a visit or two!
so well planned and thought out. All aspects of those affected by conflict considered. Brilliant volunteers who are very knowledgeable. A range of tours available from walking tours; the road train, and golf buggy tours. I was impressed how well it caters for those with mobility issues. All in all, I was very impressed, inspired and can highly recommend. Free to enter but pay to park, and there is a donation system I believe if you wish to hire wheel chairs.
It's a fantastic day out. It's very moving but also very beautiful. The staff are brilliant extremely helpful and informative. You can keep going back time after time as there us so much to see.
I cannot speak highly enough of this place. It is so well thought out and considered, every walk of life who has ever been affected by conflict is represented. It is not just for those interested in military history; nor those who have a personal connection to military personnel; it is for anyone who wants to respect those past and present.
It is very moving, awe inspiring, thought provoking place.
It is also the best place I have ever visited which caters so well for those with mobility issues. There are a range of tours you can take - the guided walks are obviously best for those who can get about on foot; but there are also tours on the land train, or the golf buggy in different parts of the arboretum. There are also plenty of manual and electric scooters at the entrance, so everyone can get about with ease. I went with my mother who is not very mobile, and my 12 year old son, different ends of the "entertainment" spectrum I think you'll agree. But they both absolutely loved it. Me and my son are planning to visit again and we will take the guided walk this time so that we can find out more on foot.
excellent place to visit ...lovely grounds lots of walks an memorials ,very moving at times ..good facilities and helpful staff
Well worth a visit. Pay your respects, reflect on the memorials, enjoy the quiet tranquillity amongst the growing trees and sculptures. A very well set out memorial, easy to spend a couple of hours here, especially lovely in the summer.
First time visited here having been to Ypes a couple of years ago.
Large car park and an overflow car park and costs £3 .
Large shop, café and decent toilets.
Outside is amazing and well laid out and one can walk miles. Plenty of seating around the gardens. It was a cold day so we will visit again in the summer and possibly spend a whole day there.
We visited early in the morning and started with bacon butties in the lovely restaurant. Then we walked all round the site and visited just about everything. We didn't go on the train, but the guides were very kind, informative and friendly. It is a fantastic reminder of the devastation that war can cause but is thoughtful and respectful. There is no charge to go in, but 3.00 for the day to park.
My girlfriend and I are both ex forces and have wanted to visit here for a while. We were not disappointed at all. We arrived at 1045 and went to the chapel for the 2 minute silence which happens daily and a great 15 minute introductory talk about the Arboretum. This was very interesting. We spent the rest of the day going around most of the site. It was good to take the road train 1 hour tour first which was informative and gave us an idea of what we wanted to see. The facilities were very good, all in all it was a great day. Quite emotional finding old friends and remembering.
A lovely spot to walk around; to see all the monuments would take a few hours. For people who can't walk too far the small train with commentary is worth taking.
Being ex-RAF and having served in the Falklands Campaign, I felt proud of the way in which those who fell in the service of their country are remembered. We had a beautiful day, and plenty of time to look round. Much ground to cover so, if this a concern, book a buggy trip. Excellent meal very well priced on site.
I never expected anything like this!
A very moving and poignant place that has been done so well. The attention to detail is outstanding.
Thank you for creating such a place of Rememberance
Excellent place to visit. 20 minute drive from Lichfield. I believe you can also get there by bus.
Beautiful grounds and lots of memorials for past wars and conflicts. There is a nice restaurant there also.
It is not designed for the young. Anyone under 30 will probably be bored.
There is a trolley bus that does a guided tour of the grounds. This helps if you have mobility problems.
Allow at least 2-3 hours to do the place justice.
Brilliantly planned where the Light enters at the 11th hour on 11/11 in the wall of memory

well planned and stunningly well kept and maintained a place for quiet reflection and respect well worth a visit
No visit to Lichfield would be complete without visiting the nearby National Memorial Arboretum. Even if you don't have any family or friends who served in the forces you can't fail to be impressed by the shear scale of the place and the quality of the memorials. Entry is free of charge although donations to the charity are always welcome. A visit on the 11th of November is particularly memorable because the sun, if there is any, shines through the main memorial at 11 o'clock!
This is a must see for visitors from the area, the region, nationally and internationally. The Arboretum is laid out in a way whereby tribute is given to many nations who lost servicemen post 1945. The main memorial is just wonderfully designed with every serviceman's name carved on the marble. It is designed in such a way that there are two splits in either side through which the sun will shine through only at 11O'clock on the 11th of the 11th. It is a truly magnificent site and well worth a day out. It is a fitting reminder to the many people who have fought for this country and is both moving and at the same time a beautiful site. No less than they deserve.
Well worth a visit, easily accessible and brilliantly maintained.
A vast amount of memorials dedicated to many groups who have served their country and experienced loss.
The main memorial is stunning. Make sure you leave time to walk round carefully.
The feeling of peace and tranquility at the National Arboretum cannot be equalled. It is truly amazing and humbling. Walking down the tree avenues where each tree is dedicated to a man that won the VC for valour is beyond words. I absolutely recommend this to anyone, of any age. The wall of names is a sight to behold. I cannot use enough superlatives for this arboretum, just visit and see for yourself. Walk down by the River Trent and soak up the calming atmosphere. As the trees mature if can only get better and better.
This is a very well kept place with lots of differant memorials for differant services some very moving especially the burma railway one
I have been to the arboretum on a number of occasions. Free entry, you just pay for parking. There are donation boxes there for you to give a contribution towards the up keep etc. It is beautiful to walk around especially when the sun is out. You can't help but feel admiration for all of the soldiers who served for their countries. There is alot of information available about the soldiers and regiments and also the wars that were fought. There is a park, cafe and shop on sight. It is lovely although sad when you see how many soldiers have died for their country.
A most splendid place to visit. The whole layout has been well planned. Done tastefully and with such respect. Very peaceful. Coverage on all areas since World War 1 to the present day.
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