The Samuel Johnson Birthplace Museum

4.7/5 based on 571 reviews
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This museum was eady to find and well worth a visit. We learnt much about Smuel Johnson and we found the video in a first floor room a helpful introduction.The room where his father worked is kept as it was when Samuel Johnson lived and worked there so it is quite atmospheric . The receptionist was very helpful. Thank you! We recommend a visit here.
From the first greeting from enthusiastic staff to end of our visit we were captivated - lots of detail about the early life of the great Dr Johnson and plenty to keep us interested.

Lots of stairs so perhaps not suitable for all but gave a real flavour of what life must have been like. Very central and lots of other places to see nearby. Thoroughly recommend a visit and will return as to much to take in in one go!
We love this place: we take the kids in every other Saturday for the Bookworm club. The hardly knew any English when they first entered the club: the volunteers were patient, entertaining, adorable with them, and made them (further) love reading and playing in a new language. The house is in lovely 18th century building, with fine memorabilia of Samuel Johnson. The Bookworms club is a testament to his wish to inspire children to read and learn. The second-hand bookshop offers a very interesting selection, especially for people who love travel books and memoirs. The volunteers are the kindest and friendliest you could imagine. We love it there
Called in as I haven't been for years, very interesting if you like this sort of thing, not just about Johnson but gives a good insight into life in Britain during his lifetime
We really appreciated the opportunity to learn more about Samuel Johnson and his work. A great plus was that the museums in Lichfield were advertised as free and had donations boxes available for those of us who were happy to provide a donation.
A real insight into his life and works. Well laid out and informative, allow plenty of time to peruse this fascinating place, well worth a visit.
Warmly welcomed on arrival, the situation and siting of important objects are made known to you straight away. Interesting books surround you, with lovely rooms waiting beyond. Staircases are easy to negotiate and decor inside the rooms show older construction techniques. The upper floors hold the actual birth place of Samuel Johnson, with good, descriptive exhibits throughout. Some good and original paintings are hidden behind doors, while old coaching route maps are situated at doorways, making them harder to find or see without getting in people's way. Constructions techniques were demonstrated by small scaled wooden models being displayed, with sites given in Lichfield where that example could be found. This in itself helped us look at older buildings in Lichfield with renewed interest. We didn't find any toilets, staircases would pose challenges for pushchairs and mobility issues. SOme dressing up clothes were available on the upper floors, mainly for girls we thought. But for the enthusiast and book specialist, this was a very good visit.
'Sam Johnson's' as it is affectionatly known locally, is the house where he was born and lived for a goodly part of his life. It has retained much of its origins including a tastefully presented garden with many of its original plants. The inside has been furnished as it would have been originally .Several exhibition pieces and artifacts have been introduced explaining Johnson's life & times as well as his career and achievements, notably including an edition of the original work. Quotations memorably adorn the walls. The ground floor has high quality books for sale in the sitting area. To view the house completely four flights of stairs are climbed!
I was greeted by a lovely lady on the front desk who quickly introduced the museum. Its a free museum and well worth a visit. They have made very effort to make it appeal to kids. The dictionary and challenge to find words was the highlight for me.
It doesn't take long to go around this interesting (free) museum - great to add to your day out in Lichfield
Extremely interesting collection. Perhaps less so for the less literary types but a good attempt here to include a bit of social history, art and books from the period and a dressing up area.

Quite tiny so nothing could be done in too much details but is was covered well and the missing bits filled in with a good audio visual presentation.

Very helpful lady welcoming visitors and a comprehensive bookshop downstairs. The less able can take a virtual tour which is pleasing to see.
Good little museum and interesting to find information about Samuel Johnson. ..can spend a very pleasant hour in the house. ..
Friendly staff and helpful information about local characters as well as Johnson's life. Combine your visit with a look around the cathedral and Darwin's house, for a fascinating day out.
The birthplace is located above a bookshop. Leaflet to take you round. Some rooms were interesting, some less so - th actual room where Johnson was born was almost empty of furniture. No real atmosphere. Yet the kitchen and printing rooms were well displayed. Looks like it could do with a make over.
Visited for the 3rd. and took friends from Canada who now live in Spain.
They were very impressed like we always are.
Ground floor is reception in a library setting with books you can buy with next room a copy of his study where you can write on paper with a real quill pen.
Downstairs is the kitchen area and upstairs are rooms with exhibitions cases and pictures.
Upstairs again are more rooms - in one you can try on various ladies and men's clothes of Samuel Johnson's times - TAKE A CAMERA TO WITNESS YOUR DRESSING UP !
Well worth at least an hour visit
Free entry to a museum made this attraction appealing (there is a donation box inside !). We didnt know a lot about SJohnson, and the lady who was in reception told us some interesting facts and then we learned more as we toured the house.
Have lived near Lichfield all my life and never stepped into this lovely historic home before. It is an excellent museum of the life of Samuel Johnson, the place where he was born. Very interesting and informative an enjoyable visit.
This small museum explains the life of Samuel Jonson, a man who in his life saw a great deal of chance in 18th century England, and left a legacy of letters, essays and books (not least of which was a dictionary) that gives us great insight into life at that time.

Various rooms in this house of his birth are dedicated to different periods of his life, and culminate on the top floor with the opportunity to dress up! This museum offers information at different levels, so a visit can be made with the whole family. The one caveat is that the house, being in tact from Johnson's day, has steep stairs which are not accessible for anyone with mobility issues.

Definitely worth a visit.
This is just a lovely place to visit to get an impression of what it must have been like to live in this house when Samuel Johnson did. It is also an excellent place to learn about this amazing man who wrote the first comprehensive English dictionary. The fact that it is still a book shop adds to the enchantment.
As a published poet, writer and artist, Lichfield City with its three spired medieval sandstone Cathedral remains the hub of this Gothic ecclesiastical town, despite
attempts, in March 1643 to destroy it during the English Civil War in 1643.

Nearby, in the heart of Lichfield sits 'The Samuel Johnson Museum’ located on the corner of Market Square, amidst the quintessential Olde Worlde town, this small,

unique museum welcomes visitors from different parts of the world to share its sense of pride and occasion.

I decided to review The Samuel Johnson Museum, because I was encouraged at the behest of my daughter and 8 year old granddaughter who were researching a

school project about the man who compiled the first publication of the English Dictionary.

I could not contain my enthusiasm, Granddad’s do indeed have a place in the order of things. I explained that a visit to The Samuel Johnson Museum was essential if

they wanted to learn more about this influential figure.

They learned that Samuel Johnson was a modest man with considerable literary talents who, and, besides being the author of the First English Dictionary, he had also

written a variety of literary works including His "Rambler" and "Idler" essays that reflected a deep interest in life, especially the way in which men and women should

behave towards each other. As a critic and a scholar, his work on Shakespeare and other writers has contributed to our understanding of their works and their lives.

It is encouraging to listen to young people and older folk alike, sharing conversation about a wordsmith, famed for creating an open literary gateway, and a

ladder to climb on the shoulders of a secular saint who’s richness of word acted as a literary facilitator for others to claim their fortunes, whilst he lived modestly,

writing poetry, philosophical reflections, light hearted banter and parody, sometimes amidst challenging periods of depression and sadness.

I whole heartedly recommend visitors to this homely museum that has the additional advantage of being gratis on entry.

Besides the museum, Lichfield offers many alternative places of historical interest, picnics to be taken alongside the tranquil lakes or a wide range of hostelries, restaurants, cafes, bistros, suitable for most pockets. Not forgetting the wonderful Garrick Theatre.

Ensure you have your camera lens at the ready to capture some of the wonderful sites around this special location.

I hope this review has been helpful to those of you seeking out places of interest and learning; maybe I’ll see you checking out the library at The Samuel Johnson



We have been here several times as we usually take our visitors there. It is a must see if you come to Lichfield. It is ideally placed, situated right in the centre of the city and within walking distance of the cathedral. Note however there are a number of stairs to benegotitedbut worth the effort and tells you all you need to know about Johnson.
Free entrance, greeted by very nice gentleman who handed over a leaflet. Lots to see in the house, including video of his life and times and his dictionary.
This house is what it is.good to look at a person's life as it would have been.infomative and real just how he would have lived.. sad really.
A lovely small museum showing the life if Samuel Johnson in the house if his birth. Good artefacts and exhibits on display
Great place to understand the history of Lichfield many years ago
You any see how big this place is till you inside
Great views of all angles of Lichfield city
Such a prominent house wish I could live in it
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In February 2017
Erin Cariney said

This is an interesting and fun museum!