Lichfield District Council is encouraging local businesses and non-profit making organisations to check their
business rates (NNDR) bills to ensure they are claiming all the relief they are entitled to.
The Lichfield LEJoG Relay on Wednesday 3rd May 2023, will see 10 teams of 10 riders from businesses across Lichfield take it in turns to ride exercise bikes for an hour, in an attempt to collectively pedal the length of the country – while never leaving Lichfield’s Market Square.
The Ruby Restaurant on St John Street, Lichfield has made a £1000 donation to community fund We Love Lichfield after raising the fund throughout the Chinese New Year.
The fund, which has distributed more than £300,000 to groups in Lichfield and Burntwood in the past decade, staged the event at The Hub in Lichfield city center on Thursday 9 February.
Specialists in footwear, Friary Shoes hosted a special evening recently to celebrate some of the fantastic independent high street businesses that are based in Lichfield’s city centre.
The Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) came as welcome support for many self-employed earners during the Coronavirus crisis. Initially, four grants were available with a fifth and final grant covering May to September 2021.
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