All you need is to show some love
18th January 2013
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That's why I'm on a mission over the next few weeks to sprinkle my own type of love to everyone I meet. Don 't worry I'm not going all bohemian on you - and I certainly haven't been smoking anything - but wouldn't it be just fab if we all collaborated and focused our efforts, for just a couple of weeks, on spreading the love around and making people feel great.

Will you help me? Imagine what damage we could do to the doom, gloom and misery if we all got together on this one. As part of that we'll be running our 14 Days of Love Campaign from the 1st to 14th February in the run up to Valentines Day.

I'm going to work my little socks off to get as many people as possible in our area to 'show some love' to their favourite local businesses. I want to encourage people to fill in a postcard, or log onto our website and leave a nice comment about a great local business that's done something well.

You will have the opportunity of winning some fantastic daily prizes so come on everybody you can log on now and leave a review for your favourite business in Lichfield.

Remember All you need is love, love love........ now that would make a great song title don't you think?

So what are you waiting for if you would lie to help me 'spread the love' this February just click here.....

About the Author

Louie C

Member since: 10th July 2012

I am passionate about 'Buying Local' and supporting our local businesses to 'keep the pound' in town, to help grow our economy here in Lichfield.
We have a wealth of history an eclectic mix of independent...

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