BFG seen in Lichfield
1st June 2012
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Our very own BFG!

Have you spotted our very own BFG here in Lichfield? It is none other than Neil Weyham from Cathedral ChemDry who claims to be the tallest carpet & upholstery cleaner locally!

Those of you who have ever experienced Neil's services will know how fantastic he is at making sure your carpet & upholstery looks brand new.

However there are a few things that we can all do to prolong the life of our carpets & Neil has kindly agreed for us to pass on some of those insider tips!

1. Re-arrange the furniture and turn cushions occasionally to ensure even wear of the cushion, fillings and fabrics.
2. Vacuum upholstery, curtains and carpets often to remove dust and grit that can cause soiling and fibre abrasion.
3. Take care when wearing clothing that could cause dye transfer such as jeans etc. dye transfer onto light coloured furniture can be difficult to remove.
4. Keep pets off the furniture. pet urine and body oil can weaken and even destroy fibres.
5. Protect furnishings from the sun and strong natural light as this will cause fibre degeneration and colour fade. occasionally dyes can fade from impurities within the atmosphere such as cigarette smoke, cooking fumes etc.
Could you be a ChemDry Spotter?

Neil is offering you the chance to win £150 worth of cleaning all you have to do is to tell him where you have seen his sign. You can do this through his


Face Book page:

Twitter: @neilweyham

All entrants will be placed in the draw to take place 31st December 2012.

Come on what are you waiting for, get spotting.

About the Author

Louie C

Member since: 10th July 2012

I am passionate about 'Buying Local' and supporting our local businesses to 'keep the pound' in town, to help grow our economy here in Lichfield.
We have a wealth of history an eclectic mix of independent...

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