Carpets Get Dirtier After Cleaning Fact Or Fiction?
21st August 2023
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As your carpet and upholstery cleaner in Lichfield we can tell you this is a fact!  Carpets and upholstery do get dirtier after cleaning. But this only applies to the easily hired DIY equipment you get to clean carpets and upholstery yourself. This is because the cleaning solutions they use are detergent based.  Professional carpet and upholstery cleaners in Lichfield, like us stopped using this kind of solution about 15 years ago.

Detergent based cleaning solutions clean well but they leave a sticky residue. This attracts soiling, so the carpet or fabric gets dirty quicker. For example, washing up liquid is a detergent based cleaner so rub some on your finger and let it dry. It leaves behind a tacky residue.

Why Carpets Shrink & Upholstery Smells

The only way to get rid of the tackiness is rinsing. If you use too much water you risk dampness damaging your carpet or upholstery. The result of this is we get calls saying, my carpet has shrunk or my furniture smells. 

Fifteen years ago, when we had no choice but to use detergent based cleaners, it was a trade-off whether we wet the carpet to get the bubbles out or leave the detergent in the carpet which would attract more soiling.

How Your Carpet And Upholstery Cleaner In Lichfield Gets The Best Results

Your professional carpet and upholstery cleaner in Lichfield steers well away from detergent based cleaners.  We use micro splitter solutions instead. These are detergent free and are therefore better for the environment.  It’s also better for children and pets and self-neutralising to pH7.

We also clean at much lower temperatures using less heat is which is better for the environment. And our machinery sucks water out so your carpets are dry enough to walk on when we leave.

Its also worth saying that using cleaning products you buy in the supermarket, washing up liquid or washing powder can make your stains and soiling worse.  If these products have been used our ability to remove the stain falls dramatically.  Our best advice is to always get our advice.  Its free and we are always available to answer questions or give a no obligation quote.

Please give us a call on 01543 401043.


About the Author

Rich D

Member since: 28th October 2020

Partner at Knight & Doyle Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning.

We are expert carpet and upholstery cleaners. Our philiosophy is "Right Processes, Right Results". We have a wide range of carpet and upholstery...

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