Don’t Lose Your 2012 Vote
5th September 2011
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The district’s Electoral Registration Officer and her staff are sending forms to every household in the area, so they can compile the electoral register. If any local resident has not received their form by mid September, they should contact Lichfield District Council’s Electoral Services on 01543 308125 or email

 Nina Dawes, Electoral Registration Officer for Lichfield District Council, said: “Some people may not realise they have to register every year. Registering to vote is very simple. All you need to do is update the annual canvass form with the details of everyone in your household who is eligible to vote, and return it to us as soon as you can. If your details have not changed, you can confirm this really quickly by either going online or calling a free phone number - the details of which you will find on your form. 

 “It‘s important that you respond to the voter registration form so you can take part in any elections that take place in 2012. You should include the details of anyone who lives in your household who is over 16 years of age and are British, Commonwealth or European Union citizens.

 “On your electoral registration form you can opt to have your details excluded from the edited register. This will mean your details cannot be bought by individuals and commercial organisations.”

 For more information, please contact your local Electoral Registration Officer on     01543 308125 or email

About the Author

Mark N

Member since: 3rd July 2012

Having lived either in or close to Lichfield for nearly 40 years I've come to love the city very much.
I'm a sci-fi geek, play bass in 2 local bands, run one of the worlds premier sci-fi websites and...

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