Downing Street has announced that the new Dean of Liverpool Cathedral will be the Revd Canon Dr Pete Wilcox of Lichfield Cathedral
12th March 2012
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New Dean of Liverpool is our very own Canon Pete!

Canon Pete has been Canon Residentiary of Lichfield Cathedral since 2006 and he will be installed in Liverpool Cathedral in September 2012.


Pete Wilcox, Canon Chancellor, Lichfield Cathedral commented:


“The past five years have been exceptionally rewarding. I do thank God for calling me to serve on the staff of Lichfield Cathedral, and before that as a parish priest in this Diocese. 


“There have been many highlights – but 2011 will always stand out for the work we did together in relation to the King James’ Bible anniversary and the Staffordshire Hoard on Tour.


“Lichfield has been an excellent place for our family home.  With our youngest son about to leave school, however, we are in a position to consider a move.  Given the time we have previously spent in Gateshead and Walsall, perhaps a return to a more urban environment was inevitable.


About the Author

Mark N

Member since: 3rd July 2012

Having lived either in or close to Lichfield for nearly 40 years I've come to love the city very much.
I'm a sci-fi geek, play bass in 2 local bands, run one of the worlds premier sci-fi websites and...

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