Drive & Survive
28th April 2014
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Issues like glare and low ambient light come to the fore and getting behind the wheel demands additional diligence and awareness.

One of the biggest challenges of driving is avoiding glare. Stating into the full-beam headlights of an oncoming vehicle can cause retinal burn, while sunsets frequently occupy that irritating zone just below the sun visors. One essential tool for any motorist is a pair of tinted prescription sunglasses, and anti-reflection coatings on conventional glasses are also highly advisable. When choosing frames be careful with thick arms as these could potentially obstruct vision at side-turnings. Keep a spare (or older) pair of prescription glasses in the car at all times in case an everyday pair break or go missing.

Our eyesight levels deteriorate imperceptibly slowly, so regular eye tests are essential. Vision needs to be pin-sharp for night driving, since darkness makes it harder to identify road signs, lane markings or potential hazards. Low light also diminishes our colour recognition, depth perception and peripheral vision levels, and our night vision worsens with age. Sight tests are particularly critical for motorists over the age of 40 to determine whether they're capable of identifying objects beyond the headlamp arcs.

Keeping the windscreen clear is important for good visibility, and detritus outside the wiper blade zones can obscure peripheral vision, so don't assume plentiful screenwash and fresh blades are sufficient. Dust and dirt builds up inside the screen as well, forcing our eyes to work harder and increasing the risk of headaches, so try to clean the inside of each window regularly. On a similar vein, don't be tempted to drive off before the demister has cleared any moisture from inside the windscreen - the human eye doesn't function sufficiently well in low light to compensate for these additional handicaps. If demisting the car causes any eye-related irritation opticians can advise on ways to counteract this discomfort.

Wise words from Morgan Arthur at David Arthur Opticians if you haven't had your eyes tested in the last two years perhaps it's time you did.

Give the team a call today on 01543 401028 to book yours.

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Louie C

Member since: 10th July 2012

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