FREE Wellness Course starting 28.05 at Changes Lichfield!!!
18th May 2012
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Changes Wellness Programme



Changes is pleased to announce a new date for the start of their

successful Wellness Programme in Lichfield.


The FREE 8-week x 3 hour course is designed to give you the skills to

manage your own mental wellbeing. The workshops cover issues

such as emotional wellbeing, coping with stress

and building self-esteem.


The programme will start on:


Monday 28TH May 2012

10.00am –1.00pm



The Pavilion Beacon Park Lichfield WS13 6QZ




For more information please contact the Changes Office on:

Tel: 01543309770 or email



Change your Mind, Change your Life


About the Author

Changes Health & Wellbeing C

Member since: 29th May 2012

CHANGES is a user-led mental health charity providing a unique recovery service to those in mental distress, based on attending weekly mutual help groups and following CHANGES 12 step recovery programme....

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