Guest Roy Hattersley speaks at the Lichfield Cathedral Patrons’ Dinner 2011
25th August 2011
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Tickets are on sale for the 8th Annual Patrons’ of Lichfield Cathedral Dinner with Roy Hattersley as the after-dinner speaker. The former Deputy Leader of the Labour party will be giving a talk entitled, ‘What are politicians for?’. An invitation to the event, which this year takes place on Friday 30thSeptember (7pm), is open to all and gives guests an opportunity to dine in the splendid medieval surroundings of Lichfield Cathedral.


The Dinner is a prestigious, black-tie event that begins with a drinks reception in the Cathedral Transepts. A dinner of four courses (with wine included) is then served in the Nave. 


Roy Hattersley summed up his forthcoming talk at Lichfield Cathedral: 

“Few of us have very high opinions of politicians. Nor, it must be said, did our ancestors during the years which we now call ‘parliament’s golden age’. In continental Europe they are held in much higher regard. Does the British and American public expect too much or do the politicians deliver too little? And what do we think their job, in a modern democracy, is?”.


Roy Hattersley


Born in Sheffield, the former Cabinet Minister and Deputy Leader of the Labour Party is one of Britain’s most prolific writers and journalists. At the age of 30, Roy was elected to Parliament where he quickly became Minister of various departments. Appointed a Privy Councillor in 1975, he joined the Cabinet in 1976 as Secretary of State for Prices and Consumer Affairs and was elected Deputy Leader of the Labour party in 1983. With his dry Yorkshire humour, he is a highly entertaining speaker and the Patrons of Lichfield Cathedral are very grateful that he is able to be an important part of the 2011 dinner.


The Patrons of Lichfield Cathedral


The Patrons of Lichfield Cathedral play a vital part in the preservation and development of the heritage of the Cathedral.  For over 1,300 years a Cathedral has stood in Lichfield.  The essential support provided by the Patrons helps to maintain the fabric and fosters links and relationships between the Cathedral and its supporters in business and the community. 



Ticket bookings


The Dinner is a key event in the annual Cathedral calendar. Feasting in the Nave is a reversion to a medieval tradition of feasting on Saints’ days. The event is open to non-Patrons and everyone is welcome to enjoy this unique event.


Tickets are £60 and are available by contacting:


Madeleine Budgen or Lynne Smith on 01543 306120


About the Author

Louie C

Member since: 10th July 2012

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