Her Majesty the Queen visits Lichfield
20th July 2011
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What a day for Lichfield with a visit from the Queen! 


Her Majesty attended the Royal Mercian and Lancastrian Yeomanry Homecoming Service in Lichfield Cathedral, where she presented Afghanistan operational medals to service personnel of the Royal Mercian and Lancastrian Yeomanry outside the West Door of the Cathedral.


Her Majesty then attended the Homecoming Service in Lichfield Cathedral, conducted by the Bishop of Lichfield, the Right Reverend Jonathan Gledhill, and the Dean of Lichfield, the Very Reverend Adrian Dorber.


Crowds gathered to welcome Her Majesty and there were lots of cheers and flag waving on her arrival. She looked resplendent in lilac as she smiled and acknowledged the crowds.


I am still pinching myself that I was lucky enough to be there to see her.  Now I just have to track down Wills & Kate....


About the Author

Louie C

Member since: 10th July 2012

I am passionate about 'Buying Local' and supporting our local businesses to 'keep the pound' in town, to help grow our economy here in Lichfield.
We have a wealth of history an eclectic mix of independent...

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