We moved at the end of last year and parking is now under a beautiful Copper Beech tree which I’m sure I’ll love in the summer but at the moment it’s the perfect resting place for the birds who love the fact I own a black car!
Now back in the days when we could go out it was easy to drop by a local run car wash and make sure it was presentable before a meeting but I always came away thinking they haven’t done a great job and being a black car the smudges were evident but like many of you I was in a rush and it would have to do.
We’ve all learned to do without certain things this past twelve months that we took for granted previously but I think it’s also made us realise the value in a job well done.
The NHS, supermarket workers, teachers, the bin men we couldn’t have done without them, to name just a few.
Many of you have seen the value in getting your pride and joy looking like new by using the services of a car valeter such as award winning Spires Valeting.
You can get your car washed quickly without much care and attention but it will need doing more frequently, or you can choose to use a professional who uses the latest products which will preserve and enhance your bodywork and keep your car looking better for longer.
The choice is yours but start adding up how much that weekly wash is as opposed to a monthly or 6 weekly professional valet, makes you think doesn’t it?
Just look at the difference! Just have to keep it that way until Carl can fit me in again.
Contact Carl on 01543 409488 but please leave a message he might be in the middle of someone’s important car valet!
Carl receiving his award in our Business of the Year competition where he was voted the best valeter in the UK by his customers #oneofthebest in 2020.
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