Lichfield Council warn stay of the ice during this freezing weather
1st December 2010
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The UK is entering a prolonged cold spell, and Lichfield District Council is concerned that children may start venturing out onto iced over water across the district – such as Stowe Pool, Minster Pool, Beacon Park Pool and any of the waterways at Chasewater Country Park.
Councillor Val Richards, Lichfield District Council’s Cabinet Member for Leisure Services, said: “During the cold spell last January our park rangers patrolled local pools to warn people to stay off the ice. During their patrols they saw hundreds of people of all ages putting their lives in danger by going onto the ice. 

“This is why we’re reminding everyone that going onto iced over water is extremely dangerous, especially because the ice is often much thinner than it looks and cannot support much weight. Children are particularly at risk, so we’re asking parents and guardians to remind them of the dangers of playing on or near the ice.”
The emergency services give the following safety advice:
• Do not go onto ice covered lakes, ponds or rivers – it is not safe.
• The ice closest to the bank may appear to be thick but it becomes thinner towards the middle.
• If a dog or another animal falls through the ice, do not go to its rescue. If the ice did not support the animal it will not take your weight.
• Do not become a victim - always call the emergency services on 999.
• If you do see a person or animal in difficulty call 999 and direct the emergency services on their arrival.

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