Lichfield Diocese ‘Adopt a Gargoyle’ educational challenge – deadline extended
23rd January 2012
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"Adopt a Gargoyle" in aid of Lichfield Cathedral

The project is in aid of the East End Appeal for Lichfield Cathedral, which has undergone a major programme of essential repairs to its stonework and conservation of its unique 16th century painted glass. The project is now in its final phases and to help raise the balance of the money for the restoration work, Lichfield Cathedral, in partnership with the Lichfield Diocesan Board of Education, is asking for support from schools for the East End Appeal via the Adopt a Gargoyle project.

The Gargoyle campaign is designed to be educational and fun and to stimulate imagination and donations.


There are two competitions as part of the project:

‘What is my name?’, where pupils can name the newly carved gargoyles

‘My Story’, where pupils can draw or write about a Cathedral gargoyle.


Once the new deadline for competition entries has passed on 31 March 2012, a panel will judge and prizes will include tea at Chapters Restaurant and a ceremony at the Cathedral to celebrate the pupil’s achievements.


For more information about ‘Adopt a Gargoyle’ please contact:


Judith Ayton, Fundraising Officer at Lichfield Cathedral

            01543 306106 /


Sue Blackmore, Lichfield Diocesan School’s Adviser

01827 7076383 /


About the Author

Mark N

Member since: 3rd July 2012

Having lived either in or close to Lichfield for nearly 40 years I've come to love the city very much.
I'm a sci-fi geek, play bass in 2 local bands, run one of the worlds premier sci-fi websites and...

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