Lichfield Fuse needs your support
10th July 2012
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Lichfield Fuse Festival 

Fuse keeps burning

On a weekend when many events were cancelled across the UK and despite having to change site at the last minute, Lichfield's Fuse festival ran as planned with crowds flocking to the three day event. Organisers, Lichfield Arts, say that, because of blue green algae in part of Beacon Park, they had to make a quick decision early last Thursday morning, as set-up was due to begin, to either move the whole event to drier land higher up in the park or to cancel.

With the marquee contractors already on site, and following many phone calls, the decision to go ahead was soon made. Fuse Director Tim Perks said "It was a tough call but after nearly a year of planning we thought we should try to at least run something. Our mantra became 'we'll keep going until something stops us' and, with heroic efforts from our amazing band of volunteers, nothing did".

A major problem was finding a generator and how the additional cost would be covered. Thanks to hire company Marquee Leisure and a kind late offer of sponsorship from Western Power this was overcome and from then on things began to fall into place.

Friday's appalling weather hampered set-up but as the skies cleared and the sun came out on Friday evening Fuse opened its gates just 45 minutes later than scheduled.

Just a few showers over the weekend meant the event ran close to plan and was well attended with a nice relaxed family friendly atmosphere.

Lichfield Arts say that their only problem now is covering the other additional costs they had in keeping the event running so any donations would be gratefully received to make sure they can run Fuse again next year.

Are you one of many that went to this years Fuse Festival?

If you can show your support in any way that would be great, we would hate to see this fantastic part of our summer here in Lichfield not continue.

Contact Chris Newcome at Lichfield Arts on 01543 262223

About the Author

Louie C

Member since: 10th July 2012

I am passionate about 'Buying Local' and supporting our local businesses to 'keep the pound' in town, to help grow our economy here in Lichfield.
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