Lichfield Olympic torch route announced
19th March 2012
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Torch Relay route announced

Lichfield District Council confirms the local streets the Olympic Flame will be carried along this summer

Today (19 March 2012), Lichfield District Council was pleased to announce the local streets the Olympic Flame will travel through on the morning of Saturday 30 June 2012.

The Flame will first arrive in the district at the National Memorial Arboretum, before heading along Burton Road in Streethay. 

Carried by torchbearers, it will then enter Lichfield City around 9am. The Torch will travel up Trent Valley Road, down Greenhill and Tamworth Street, then onto Conduit Street, Dam Street, and round The Close. 

The Flame will be carried down Bird Street, St John Street, Upper St John Street, and Tamworth Road. It will then continue its journey through Hopwas and onto Tamworth.

Councillor Val Richards, Lichfield District Council’s Cabinet Member for Leisure Services, said: “This announcement really brings the route through the district to life. We know that everyone will want to come out to line the streets to see this once in a lifetime event, and to cheer the inspirational torchbearers on their way.”

The Revd Dr Pete Wilcox, Canon Chancellor and Acting Dean, Lichfield Cathedral commented: “We are thrilled that the Olympic Torch Relay is to pass through Lichfield District this summer, and will visit the Cathedral Close. It is a real honour for the cathedral community, the city and the district to be part of such a prestigious event. We trust that the residents of Lichfield will enjoy the build up to the Games by lining the route and enjoying the festivities on 30 June.”

The streets and the timings of when the Olympic Flame will travel through Lichfield District can be seen in full at

To celebrate the Olympic Torch Relay, Lichfield District Council is working with local partner agencies on plans for an exciting day of activities and events.

More details to follow.

Featured in the photo are our local torch bearers with councillor Val Richards:

John May MBE - Lichfield torchbearer

Tom Bolton - Lichfield torchbearer

Ben Kenyon - Lichfield torchbearer



About the Author

Louie C

Member since: 10th July 2012

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