Local school pupils have created more willow sculptures for Genleshaw common.
5th July 2011
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Funded by Cannock Chase Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, the willow sculptures will be added to the growing number of heathland animals made out of willow along the new ‘Healthy Heathland’ walks at Gentleshaw Common later in July. 


Chris Walsh, Biodiversity Officer for Lichfield District Council, said: “This is the last willow sculpture workshop of the series. They were a useful way to teach local children about Gentleshaw’s wildlife and how to make use of heathland materials – in this case willow from scrub clearing projects. 


“Everyone is welcome to come and see the sculpture trail, which is on the yellow route round Gentleshaw. This is one of three new circular walks that we launched at the common recently. 


“The walks are plotted out with arrows and were created to encourage visitors to take some healthy exercise, while exploring the common, without disturbing the fragile habitat or getting lost.” 


The Healthy Heathland project was funded by Cannock Chase AONB and led by Lichfield District Council. 

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