New Boardwalk at Chasewater
14th October 2011
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Under the Boardwalk!

This October, Lichfield District Council was proud to launch its second boardwalk at Chasewater Country Park.


Funded by the Higher Level Stewardship Scheme, which is administered by Natural England, the wooden boardwalk covers a stretch of wet lowland heathland on the north shore of Chasewater Heaths. It will help the council to protect the sensitive flora and fauna, which was being damaged by people’s footsteps.


Councillor Neil Roberts, Lichfield District Council’s Cabinet Member for Development Services, said: “As a Site of Special Scientific Interest, it’s the council’s responsibility to conserve this fragile habitat. I am delighted this second boardwalk is complete, as it will help us to protect the rare plants in this area.”


The council’s countryside team will soon begin restoration work to help the heathland plants re-colonize the damaged bare ground.


This boardwalk is part of an ongoing project to build nearly 1 kilometre of boardwalks across Chasewater SSSI, linking up footpaths to safeguard the most sensitive habitats across the country park.


About the Author

Mark N

Member since: 3rd July 2012

Having lived either in or close to Lichfield for nearly 40 years I've come to love the city very much.
I'm a sci-fi geek, play bass in 2 local bands, run one of the worlds premier sci-fi websites and...

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