November news from Byron at G-Scapes Lichfield
5th November 2012
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Feeling Fruity?

November is an ideal time for planting fruit trees - if you’ve never grown them before don’t worry as they are easy. We have Apples suitable for small gardens and some can also be grown in pots on the patio - ‘Coronet’ varieties are dwarf and only reach around 6ft high. If you have a sunny wall, consider a fan trained apple or pear. These can be planted against a sunny wall or fence to provide fruits using minimal space. Fruit bushes such as Blackcurrant and Raspberry are also now available - these grow in most fertile soils so plant now to enjoy the fruits of your labours for years to come!

It’s Tree Time!

Trees provide shade, give great leaf (and flower) colour, give shelter from winds and some provide fruits & berries for wildlife too. Plant over the next few months so they have all of next season to become established. Our favourites include Ornamental Cherries (Prunus) with their delicate pink shades, Mountain Ash (Sorbus) with attractive leaves & a range of berries which the birds will love, or try Birch (Betula) with its fabulous white bark. Many of our trees will grow in any good garden soil, but we advise adding Bonemeal (a good root fertiliser) & staking your trees well against strong winds.

David Austin Roses

We’ve just taken delivery of new season David Austin Roses. Some of the most popular roses in the UK, David Austin Roses are well-known, forming magnificent shrubs and climbers which make great impact in the garden. As a group, they are reliable & easy to grow, with a vigour which contrasts with the delicate charm and beauty of their many petalled scented blooms. NEW for 2012/13 are ‘Boscobel’ (Rich Salmon), ‘Heathcliff’ (Deep Crimson -Pictured left) & ‘Tranquility’ (White). Stock is limited so buy yours NOW - they can be planted out in the next month or two.

Next Month... It’s CHRISTMAS (again!)

We have over 600 freshly cut and pot grown Christmas Trees available from the last week of November. The annual ‘Christmas at Curborough’ event takes place on Saturday 1st December, so have a fun morning or afternoon out with the family, meet Santa & his real reindeer, and select your perfect Christmas Tree! We will also be making Wreaths & Table Decorations - come and see the experts at work, and order your own custom-made creation. And as always, our Mulled Wine & Mince Pie Weekends will be back - more details next month!

If you would like any more information please give Byron a call on 01543 401032.

About the Author

Louie C

Member since: 10th July 2012

I am passionate about 'Buying Local' and supporting our local businesses to 'keep the pound' in town, to help grow our economy here in Lichfield.
We have a wealth of history an eclectic mix of independent...

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