Planning to Reduce District’s Carbon Emissions
21st November 2011
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Everyone is welcome to give their views on the draft Lichfield District Carbon Reduction Plan, by completing a quick survey at


Councillor Louise Flowith, Cabinet Member for Operational Services, said: “For the local economy to grow, we will undoubtedly need more energy for manufacturing, to heat and light our workplaces and homes, and for travel.


“However, we need to find ways to reduce the district’s reliance on fossil fuels and move to a lower carbon lifestyle, which is kinder to the environment and makes us more self-sufficient. 


“The main reason for our Carbon Reduction Plan is not necessarily about saving the planet, but is more about saving valuable resources and ultimately, money. Energy costs are on the rise, and this is an issue for everyone. Anything we can do to reduce our bills is good news.


“Our draft Carbon Reduction Plan sets out how we will work towards achieving a lower carbon Lichfield District, and we now need your views to make sure we've got it right.”


To read the draft plan and to give your views, please visit the council’s online consultation hub at by 31 December 2011.


After discussing the plans with local environmental groups, and once the council has received all the responses and updated the plans, it will publish the final document in the new year. Local people will then have a further opportunity to give the council their feedback on the revised plan.


The Lichfield District Carbon Reduction Plan is a two-year plan that will run from April 2011 to March 2013, when it will be refreshed. This is so the plan can be brought into line with the Government’s five-year carbon accounting period.



The draft Lichfield District Carbon Reduction Plan sets out how the council will: 


·       help to lead the local community, advising and supporting residents and businesses as they make choices about how they use resources.

·       work with developers to design and build structures and create places which achieve optimum levels of energy efficiency, are resilient to climate change and encourage the use of renewable energy.

·       work with homeowners and landlords to improve energy efficiency in local homes.

·       influence other agencies to improve and develop a better range of carbon efficient transport choices, so local people have a wider choice of travel options.

·       work to preserve the district’s wildlife and plant diversity, dispose of waste responsibly, and manage water resources well.

The plan also gives the council’s proposed key actions by March 2013. These include:

·       Carrying out awareness work across the district.

·       Incorporating targets for carbon reduced construction in the new planning framework for the district.  

·       Promoting home insulation schemes, including Warmer Homes, Greener District and
smart metering.

·       Creating a sustainable travel plan and council carbon efficient vehicles.

·       Developing electric charging points in Lichfield City.



About the Author

Mark N

Member since: 3rd July 2012

Having lived either in or close to Lichfield for nearly 40 years I've come to love the city very much.
I'm a sci-fi geek, play bass in 2 local bands, run one of the worlds premier sci-fi websites and...

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