St John's Community Church
St John's Community Church
  • High Street, Chase Terrace, Burntwood, Staffordshire.
    WS7 1LR
A contemporary and informal Anglican church of all ages and backgrounds where everyone is welcome.



The Services:

At the 8.30am service, people tend to take a seat straight away - sit anywhere you like, but most people tend to sit in the middle. If it’s the 10.30am service, there will be a mix of people sitting down & standing around - the person leading the service will usually call people together to begin the service. As with the 8.30am service, feel free to sit anywhere, either in the Worship Area or the Hall. A number of parents with younger children tend to gather on the right near the soft play area in the corner - if you’ve got young ones with you, it might be a good place to sit.

The 8.30am service is relaxed but follows a service sheet, & is usually a service of Communion. There are usually between 10-25 people who come. A Vicar or other Minister will lead the service up front, another person will give a talk or sermon, whilst there will be some hymns & prayers to join in with if you’d like to. You’d be most welcome to come up to receive the bread & wine at Communion (just follow what other people do if you’re unsure!) or to have a short prayer of blessing prayed over you (if you’d prefer this rather than have bread & wine, just keep your hands by your side when you come to the front). The service is finished by 9.40am, but if you’re able, staying for a chat is a good way to get to know people…

The 10.30am service is lively & informal, with around 100-150 people. If there's a Baptism, there'll be a service sheet, but otherwise all you need to know will be explained or shown from the front. The service will get going with a word of welcome, usually a short prayer, & then the band - guitars, drums, keyboards & singers - normally lead us in 2 or 3 songs of praise. We sing fairly modern songs at this service, with the odd hymn too. Don’t worry if you don’t know many of them (you won’t be the only one!) - they’re usually easy to pick up, & all of the words will be shown on TV screens. Some people may put their hands in the air or jump around a bit - feel free to be as static or lively as you like!

Children are very welcome to make lots of noise, wander around & play during the service, although most children have gone to their own groups by the time the talk starts after this opening block of songs. If you’ve got children with you between 3-11, they’ll be invited to join our ‘Sunday Stars’ groups which run during the service, or if you’ve children with you under 3, there is an unsupervised crèche area you can take them to - just on the left as you go back out into the foyer. You’re welcome to keep your children with you for the whole service, but they may well enjoy doing activities with others their own age better. Feel free to play it by ear, & ask any of the regulars if you’re unsure.

Social Interaction