Word Perfect Creative Writing is a fun, friendly and informative creative writing group. We meet weekly at 2A Quonians Lane, Lichfield, WS13 7LA. In every session, we explore aspects of writing poetry, fiction, drama and non fiction, plus how to format and present your work to agents and publishers. We undertake short writing exercises, and share our work, thoughts and ideas. The aim of the group isn't to change your writing style, but to offer techniques that may help you overcome your own creative challenges, or polish your work to perfection. Each session costs £10, but there's no need to block-book, and you only pay for the sessions you attend - it's all very laid back! All materials are provided, including pens, pads and refreshments.
Sessions times:
Wednesday evening, 7pm till 9pm (spaces available)
Friday morning, 11am to 1pm (currently fully booked)
The sessions are designed to be appropriate for both experienced authors, and those just beginning their writing journey. We also attend outside spoken word and creative events as a group.
If you'd like to come along and try a taster session, please do get in touch - we'd be delighted to meet you.
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