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In November 2017, Whitewater24 said about National Memorial Arboretum
Having been here before last year for the remembrance day service, we were here this time for the service on 11th Nov for the 2 min silence, it was very busy and there was a ticketed event going on in the dome, but we stood and watched it with everybody else on the big screen, which was very touching and then watched the march past, the gardens are so well kept and so interesting, each time I have been I am ceased to be amazed that there is always something new to see, it is free to get in, there is a very well stocked restaurant and a small café ample places to sit in the gardens would highly recommend a visit
In January 2019, Susan Bolton said about National Memorial Arboretum
Very interesting. There are some beautiful memorials and very poignant ones. No one is forgotton. The memorial to the Polish showed their great input in WW2, sadly though none of the text is in Polish which would have finished that honour in its entirety. "Shot at Dawn" is so very, very sad and well thought out and certainly grabs you emotionally that senseless loss. The large central memorial is truly accessible. The ramp to the top is barely noticeable. The monument has some amazing bronzes and is beautifully pure in style and design. Coffee shop and restaurant and toilet facilities are excellent as are the staff in all areas.
In January 2021, Rachael s said about National Memorial Arboretum
Such a lovely peaceful place, we visited during the autumn fair (our first visit 2019). The stalls were full of wonderful items and there were activities for the children.

Update: we visited today (our second visit) 26/7/20, we felt so safe and enjoyed our time there. They have organised the site well with social distancing and takeaway available from the restaurant. I can highly recommend visiting but you do need to book a time slot online.
Well done and thank you to the staff for making our experience stress and hassle free.
In January 2020, Jan Parish said about National Memorial Arboretum
"Enjoy" does not seem an appropriate word to describe my visit, given the nature of this Arboretum. I can, however, say I hugely appreciated seeing all these Memorials to those who have lost their lives, whether in conflict or for other reasons. They are all appropriate. The grounds are beautiful and beautifully maintained. Flowers and trees abound. It is wonderfully peaceful. There are "buses" with commentary to transport visitors around. A large restaurant and shop are located in the indoor complex. I found my visit very moving and am grateful I had the privilege of visiting. I believe everyone should visit if they are able to.
In August 2021, Mezan said about National Memorial Arboretum
I had no idea what to expect having only seen TV News clips but the whole area is most impressive from the large airy visitor centre with restaurant, meeting rooms and chapel to the vast and amazing gardens. So many people paying their own personal tributes to loved ones and others who have given their lives in service. The land train was well worth the money and had a running commentary pointing out important features. I would feel honoured to go there again.
In June 2021, Michael C said about National Memorial Arboretum
With covid restrictions in place booking an arrival time and parking makes sense. So easy to book online and arrival, parking and access is so easy. Everything is in place to allow the visitor a normal and safe visit. The restaurant and the outside coffee shop are both open as is the shop. Tours by land train or electric cart are still available for tours. The staff and volunteers are as helpful as always. Such a wonderful place to spend a few hours amongst a beautiful memorial garden. Always look forward to returning to see what has been added. Well done the staff for the hard work keeping the Arboretum open.
In February 2012, Josie L said about National Memorial Arboretum
Personally I'm glad I went on my own for the first time because it gave me quiet time to reflect and think about the meaning of it all. I was surprisingly emotional.
It's got a lot of growing to do and I mean years and not just trees, but the reason for it being there is very apparent. There is a nice river side walk and its good for photography.
Winter car parking is half the price of summer parking. The restaurant is very good and a suitable little shop for momentos. They really would like a descreet donation - but you don't have to. At least buy a map though.
In August 2012, ozzyozz said about National Memorial Arboretum
We have just spent a pleasant day at the NMA it really is worth a visit, be prepared for some walking!!! There is a restaurant and a tea room for refreshments and plenty of outdoor seating if you want to take a picnic. Although the car park was full it was so serene and very thought evoking there were a lot of tear filled eyes. Car parking is charged but is very reasonable at only £3 for the whole day there is no additional entrance fee but donations can be left this is run by The British Legion who depend wholly on charitable donations.
In February 2013, Marilyn G said about National Memorial Arboretum
Even though we visited on a bitterly cold February day, we enjoyed every moment of our stay.(the hot homemade soup in the restaurant helped!). The daily 11 am service was very emotional and made you give thanks for all the brave people who fought for our freedom. There are fifty thousand trees at present, more to be planted in the future. The trees are immature at the
Moment. All the memorial gardens are beautifully done, and we missed a lot due to cold
Weather. We will be back later in the year though.
In May 2013, MainIngredient said about National Memorial Arboretum
The National Memorial Arboretum is a beautiful and solemn place. The memorial itself draws you to it. Names of individuals who have loss their lives in the line of duty while serving their country is listed on the memorial by year and branch of military service. In addition to that there are trees that are planted that represent police departments across the country that have loss officers in the line of duty. There are two magnificent sculptures in the center of the memorial. You must walk up the stairs (or use the ramps) to see these. They cannot be seen from the ground level. There is a restaurant and gift store on the premises. It is worthy of a visit, especially if you are in the area.
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