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In May 2017, grandad88 said about National Memorial Arboretum
This was our second visit the first being 2 years ago.

The new reception area, restaurant and shop are a great improvement and very fitting. All the volunteer staff were very welcoming and friendly, the ones in reception helped us find a particular tree dedication site and others around the site often stopping to talk as we walked around. They obviously enjoy their role and were very knowledgeable, helpful and empathetic.

It is useful to take the train around the site early on as this gives you a good overview of what is there and also information about many of the memorials. However I do think that it would be even more useful if it was a hop-on-hop-off train.

On our last visit we realised that it is a lot more than just military memorials and we went this time to specifically visit the very moving SANDS garden and to find a tree, very recently dedicated to those from out local area who lost their lives in the 2 World Wars.

If you are able to get into the chapel for the 2 minutes silence at 11am it is well worthwhile.

We walked a lot in order to see the Far East Prisoner of War memorials, the Christmas Truce memorial and the Shot at Dawn memorial which is particularly poignant and discovered lots of others on the way. The centrepiece of the Armed Forces Memorial inscribed with over 16000 names of those who have died in service since the end of World War ll, and space for many more is very significant.

I am sure that we will visit again, more than once, as it is a very special place
In October 2021, Jaxine K said about National Memorial Arboretum
We booked a half day tour with our guide Peter who took us around in a golf buggy. Given the area the Arboretum covers, it is a very sensible way to travel.
Peter was informative and knowledgable and the half day flew by with us only managing to visit a third of the the area. (Thats why we would recommend this form of travel no matter how fit or how much you enjoy walking).
The Arboretum is a truly fitting reminder to all from around the world who have and continue to serve their country not only in the armed services but also in the auxiliary services too.
Many of the memorials themselves are works of art which enforces the skill of their makers so make sure that a camera it taken. Remember to ask you guide how and why the Arboretum was formed that is a story in itself. All the staff were friendly and helpful the parking is more than adequate and the refreshments in the restaurant where more than sufficient to sustain any visitor.
We have to return as we feel the need to see and learn more and hopefully will visit again in 2022. It was a really enjoyable and memorable day out.
A fine point is that is you do not want to opt for the golf buggy tour their is a train which takes visitors around and whilst we did not use this facility we did hear people who were getting off the train after using this facility saying how good is was so it is another option. If you like walking that is fine too. If you want to bring a flask and sandwiches there are plenty of areas of seating (shaded and open) where lunch good be enjoyed.

Jaxine Kennedy.
In September 2019, GCY2015 said about National Memorial Arboretum
We found the NMA by chance and we’re amazed that it is not more widely known about. It cost us £3 to park the car and entry is free. As the arboretum is spread over 150 acres we took the small train £6 per person with really good commentary. This helped get us orientated so we could then view areas which were personal to us. We enjoyed the day so much we decided to go back the following day. On this day we took the buggy tour with Keith Forster, a volunteer, who was so enthusiastic and informative. The buggy tour is also £6 per person but well worth it as you can go “off piste” and get to areas you may not have found walking. There are memorials to not just the Armed forces but to other people ie land army, fire services, townwomensguild ,scouts, nurses etc but the one that meant the most to me was the Bevan Boys memorial as my father applied to the marines during the war but one in ten men were sent to the mines and his numbers came up. The words on the memorial are“WE ALSO SERVED” . There is a building with an exhibition about the war in the Far East which was emotional. There is a restaurant and separate cafe which was good and of course the usual shop on exit.
The arboretum is geared up very well for disabled people with electric buggies and wheelchairs available and the train has spaces for wheelchair users. There are plenty of disabled toilets and around the 150 acres are portaloos which are wheelchair friendly.
Give it a visit.
In January 2018, Radders2106 said about National Memorial Arboretum
Went there with my father-in-law, mother-in-law and my wife. It's one of the places I've always wanted to go to. Wasn't quite sure what to expect but booked the 4 hour personal buggy guided tour and 2 course lunch.
The day started by being introduced to our volunteer guide Peter. He asked what we were interested in which we informed him. We then watched to 2 minutes silence in the chapel. Once this was done we were taken to the sites we wanted to visit. All were explained in great detail by Peter.
After this we went to lunch and were seated at a table, nicely dressed with cutlery and table cloth as well as a printed menu with our name on.
The food was excellent. Not the cafe quality I expected but any restaurant would have been happy to serve it. Our waitress was most attentive and nothing was too much trouble.
After lunch we continued with our guided tour. Being in a buggy we could get to places others couldn't or didn't know about.
We were told some lovely anecdotes by Peter.
We all really enjoyed the day and will love to return to see more. 4 hours was not enough.
Whilst going around the Arboretum we could hear several tributes going on with various military groups and veterans groups joining to pay their tributes.
Everyone was so friendly.
The volunteers were great and the company had thought of everything ensuring that everyone can get around.
We offered Peter a tip at the conclusion of our tour whichbbe refused as he wanted it to go to help the running costs of the Arboretum.
Fantastic day.
In May 2019, Bix Curtis said about National Memorial Arboretum
i visited this site last weekend its full of everything that you could wish for,it was sunday the weather was good there was so much going on on the site side shows ,dancing,stalls the gardens are a tribute to every army airforce and memorials to forces personnel that died after the war,entry is free there is a land train that stops at all the memorial stone on the way around the 150 acre site the train costs £6 for concessions £7.50 for adults and takes 45 minutes,there is a coffee bar and a restaurant there and the prices are not extortionate children 5 and under free,at midday a spitfire did four great flypasts over the hill with all the names on the walls and did he put it through some fantastic flying,the place is like most of these sites with great volunteer staff giving talks all the staff were wonderful and informative,we spent 4 hours there and will go back there later on in the year,the site is well signposted on the a38 between Litchfield and burton on trent,there are two carparks which charge £3 for the day which to me is not breaking the bank but as usual the tight idiots would rather leave their vehicles in the road outside,i would rather leave my car in a safe car park,one more thing that you don't usually see if you get short of cash there is a cash machine just by the toilets in the entrance hall,i had a really enjoyable visit and will return.
In June 2021, GoDaddy99 said about National Memorial Arboretum
An absolutely amazing, beautiful, tranquil and of course, very poignant place! I thoroughly recommend a visit.

We'd of course heard of the memorial park being mentioned in the media on many occasions and being in the area for the weekend, thought we'd take the opportunity to call in. It requires a pre-booking time-slot for the car-park and a £4 charge but entry is free and once in you can stay for as long as you like. We arrived 3 hours after our time slot but it was not a problem.

Our visit was on a hot Saturday afternoon in early June. The car-park was full but the centre and park was not in any way crowded. Plenty of space to move around both indoors and out and many areas where you can sit quietly without a sole around.

The memorials themselves and the centre-piece, the memorial wall/s, obelisk and statues are a sight to behold! The rows and rows of names of people lost during the various wars and conflicts over the years, is just breathtaking.

We didn't speak to assistants around but am told that they are very friendly and informative, providing further detail and background information to the visuals.

There is a gift shop and toilets etc but the queue to the coffee-shop / ice creams, was somewhat slow and so we declined. I believe that there is normally an inside restaurant available as well.

Overall, a very, very pleasant experience. DEFINITELY worth visiting.
In March 2013, GTSSurrey said about National Memorial Arboretum
Spent a few hours here on a sunny but cold March day. The is so much to see that a brief few hours is only enough to scratch the surface. The staff are very helpful without being at all pushy and they really do seem to care about the place and its visitors. Parking cost us £1.50 all day and although it goes up in the warmer months it is a small price to pay and the revenue goes to paying for the 25 year programme that is planned for the memorial park. The is a land train (£4.50) that takes less able visitors round the huge site and this. Is also useful to get your general bearings and introduction so that you can then walk to those sites that you want to see more of. The are plenty of places to sit, watch nature, have a picnic or for some personal contemplation time. The site has a mix of new and old memorials (moved from other sites where I guess they were perhaps overlooked or in danger of being lost. This is somewhere you can visit to remember those close to you or just come an wonder in awe at the sacrifice of others. And it is not "just" military memorials either, there are some to fire and police services and to young children who might have been stillborn or died early in their lives. Do pay a visit, you will not regret the time you spend getting her and walking round the 750 acre site. There is a small restaurant in the visitor centre as well as a shop. Entry is free although donations are very welcome of course.
In March 2013, Steve H said about National Memorial Arboretum
This is, as the publicity says, ‘Where our Nation remembers’.
The site is spread over 156 acres, so it will take a long time to visit everything on one visit.

As there should be, there are memorials to the armed services and those who have lost their lives in the service of their country. The surprising thing for me was how many memorials there were!
I expected a large memorial to each of the Navy, Army, and Royal Air Force. In fact, as well as the large ‘Armed Forces Memorial’, there are many small memorials to particular units, types of ship, area of service etc. etc.

There are also memorials to civilians, including the Police, Fire Service, and Ambulance Service as well as many other walks of life. One too, to still born children.

It is a moving place and we were there for the daily memorial at 11:00 for all those who have lost their lives in the service of their country. This included The Last Post, followed by two minutes silence.

Many of the memorials are accessed across the grass; so bring good footwear if it has been wet recently as it can be muddy in places.

Entry is free but the guide book is well worth buying and provides a lot of information plus a zoned map to help you find your way around.

The restaurant serves food of a good quality or just tea and cakes if you don't fancy a full meal.

Everyone who lives in Britain should make at least one visit here.
In December 2016, BobCaddick_Photos said about National Memorial Arboretum
Thoroughly enjoyed our first visit to the arboretum - with a reservation
The land train is a great way to see most of the 300 memorials and see the site. Today was biting cold and foggy so perhaps the best way to get around. All of the staff we spoke to were friendly and enthusiastic about the venue, so it was a shame to be so disappointed in the newly opened restaurant ... we arrived after our tour at about 2:25 to find 3 sausage rolls and two pasties as the only hot food on display. There was a menu showing a vegetarian pasta bake or a turkey crown meal, but when ordered from that menu we were told the only food available was that on display! To his credit the kitchen manager (?) came out and said he could do a turkey crown meal, which we accepted. This was for my wife and I had what was by then the last pasty...
The turkey meal was perhaps one of the worst meals I've ever seen served at a professional restaurant. It was like a school dinner - warm, unappetisingly presented and with a stuffing ball that could have been used in a shotgun!
We were hungry after spending a couple of hours outdoors in freezing temperatures and were looking forward to a pleasant meal. This was anything but pleasant and left a bad taste in the mouth ( in all ways) at the end of our otherwise lovely visit
The NMA and its visitors deserves better than this!
In April 2017, markhO7053QO said about National Memorial Arboretum
Whether Military, ex Military or just curious, this is one place you should visit. The new car park is spacious and is a fixed price for the day. The main building has been vastly improved and immediately staff are on hand to advise or direct you as necessary. There is a gift shop and good toilet facilities. The restaurant has a selection of hot and cold food an a selection of beverages at a reasonable price. The 'piazza' has been remodelled and incorporates inlaid stone cap badges and a water feature. The central wall is of course the main feature and is still being redesigned. All areas are disability friendly with a land train available to access the further reaches. Individual memorials are laid out and you may need to enquire at the main building before setting off to find your particular Corps or Arm. It is hard not to think of this as a cemetery even though no-one is buried here. The peace and serenity of the area allows you to reflect and pay respects to those that gave service to this great Country in whatever capacity their job entailed. Vast areas of trees representing individuals surround sculptures and icons. The directing team are always trying ideas from Ride to the Wall, photo studies etc to ensure that future generations will always remember those that have helped shape and defend this Country. The volunteer staff are courteous and friendly and always prepared to assist. I will say again, one not to be missed.
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