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Local Reviews
In January 2018, Andy and Kath said about Lichfield Garrick Theatre & Studio
We are new to the area and this was our first time at the Garrick. What a wonderful warm welcome from the members of staff. The whole place, being very bijou, has a great feeling about it and you feel close to the stage and the action. Local theatres are a great part of any community and the Garrick provides an excellent service to the city. Access is very good to those of us that have creaky old bones and the seats comfortable too. Things to be considered as we get older.
In May 2012, StaffordSteve49 said about National Memorial Arboretum
This is far more than either a collection of trees or a collection of headstones. The site is vast, and the once tiny trees are approaching maturity. The central feature of the Armed Forces Memorial does perhaps dominate the site a little to much, but as the trees around it continue to mature this sense may well fade. The range of smaller memorials is vast, from the Shot At Dawn memorial via the Polish Memorial to the RUC memorial, with new sites coming on line all the time. There is even a piece of the World Trade Center in the small memorial to New York firefighters.
In May 2012, Dawn H said about National Memorial Arboretum
A well laid out, easily accessible memorial site which brings home the vast expanse of our military and civilian support services. The memorial wall is a site to behold and is so touching to stand in such peaceful surrounding in recognition of all those who have given their life to help protect us and others.
In June 2013, JuCol said about National Memorial Arboretum
Everyone should visit this wonderful, inspirational place. Allow lots of time - it's huge.
Very thought-provoking.
In June 2013, Benjamin D said about National Memorial Arboretum
I could write an essay,i could write a whole list of positives but how can you judge a place of memorial to the brave. A location with no fee but donations are welcome to keep the grounds as immaculate as they are.A visit to the NMA is simply inspiring and puts life's little niggles into perspective. Walk around the grounds, read the plaques and appreciate the brave fallen soldiers that gave you the freedom to do so.
In June 2013, Carol B said about National Memorial Arboretum
We have been several times,and always find more to look at,3,min silence everyday @11'0clock,in the Chappell.its amazing what they have done there,it's worth going for sure
In June 2013, jeanhartley said about National Memorial Arboretum
Covers a huge area, beautifully landscaped and humbling in it's content. We used the land-train which tours the whole area slowly with an interesting commentary, ideal way to get an overall impression of this vast site before walking around the individual memorials.
Toilets are spotlessly clean, a restaurant as well as smaller stands serving drinks and snacks.
The whole place has a peaceful atmosphere and the staff are helpful and friendly.
You need more than one visit to see everything.
In July 2014, trh217 said about National Memorial Arboretum
Been here twice now and found new parts of it each time. Really enjoyed exploring and walking along the river, learning about a lot of British history that I didn't know previously. A though provoking place but with the sun shining and kids playing - a happy one as well, I didn't find it at all sombre. Well worth a visit. Cakes in the coffee shop are good too...
In July 2014, Sue C said about National Memorial Arboretum
Yesterday we went with two friends to above attraction out fourth visit their first.the Arboretum is a wonderful site to wonder round, very tranquil but has a very serious but interesting side.i must vist for everyone just so we rember the past and all the sacrifices made.beautiful kept but really needs more than one day to get round.they have a land train you can go round on and you can pay more for a buggy tour.£ 3.00 car parking but no entrance fee but rely on donations a very worthy cause.
In May 2016, Elizabeth said about National Memorial Arboretum
Wow, what an interesting day out. Amazing place. So many memorials to so many military units, groups, clubs, associations. Did the train ride in morning and booked the buggy tour in afternoon, so much to see, do it all if you can.
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