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Local Reviews
In July 2018, Peter H said about The Samuel Johnson Birthplace Museum
On a day out in Lichfield, we came across this small museum and what a fascinating place. Staff were very friendly and welcoming and advised us on the order we should go around the museum. Well worth a visit.
In July 2018, R Giansanti said about The Samuel Johnson Birthplace Museum
The Samuel Johnson Birthplace Museum is a fantastic museum for all ages to enjoy. Kevin is one of the volunteers and he is extremely knowledgeable and helpful. We went through right before a group of school kids were about to come through. He gave us loads of history and told us where to go to not be in their way.

There are multiple floors with some very interesting displays. There are beautiful paintings in every room/hallways, and loads of activities for everyone from dressing in traditional clothing to writing. The ground floor is a used bookstore with hundreds of unique books.

It’s a free museum and well worth the hour or so spent learning about Samuel Johnson and his family.
In July 2018, Scotty186402 said about The Samuel Johnson Birthplace Museum
We visited as it was free and had time to explore and glad we did it was an interesting place and we found out more about Samuel Johnson and was very pleased to find out that the video all about him and the timelines had captions for deaf and hard of hearing people.. It certainly was well laid out and interactive and a good interest for those who have read his books.
In September 2018, SteveWhite22 said about The Samuel Johnson Birthplace Museum
Although I have been an admirer of Dr Johnson for many years, I’m afraid to say that I had no idea that the author of the famous dictionary was actually born in Lichfield. Imagine my immediate delight to find that there was a museum to the great man in the town, and what a fine tribute to this great genius it is. I spent 30 minutes in there, although I wish I had spent more. There is a particularly fine film which only lasts about 12 minutes outlining the life of Dr Johnson, but other artefacts are there as well, and are very interesting. The gentleman in charge of the museum was also an enthusiast, and his interest for his subject made the visit even more enjoyable. I will certainly be visiting Lichfield again, if only to come back to this wonderful museum.
In September 2018, Sue M said about The Samuel Johnson Birthplace Museum
Tall thin building, worth working your way to the top to see the copy of the famous dictionary. My knowledge of Samuel Johnson was previously only gleaned from Blackadder, so now I know a little more. It’s free so why not visit while you are in the area, it won’t take long.
In September 2018, Valerie R said about The Samuel Johnson Birthplace Museum
The staff were informative and friendly. All the rooms were interesting and details printed on cards in each room. There was also a short film to give more information about Samuel Johnson. There was a book shop in the entrance with a very pleasant gentleman who was also able to answer any questions. Second hand books were also for sale.
In September 2018, CarltonA10 said about The Samuel Johnson Birthplace Museum
I entered the bookshop where I was given an explanatory leaflet by the enthusiastic attendant. There are five levels with fairly steep stairs. The Johnson story is well told and the displays are nicely executed. I left a donation as I departed.
In October 2018, Martin C said about The Samuel Johnson Birthplace Museum
This is the house where Samuel Johnson was born. It is set out over four or five floors, people with walking difficulties please note. The attendant was friendly and informative and gave us a leaflet explaining what could be seen there. All very interesting and well presented. There wasn't any admission charge which was a bonus, and must be worth a fiver of anyone's money.
In September 2015, sheelaghrobinson said about The Samuel Johnson Birthplace Museum
We really enjoyed this little place, & it made a pleasant & diverting hour away from the shops. It remains free, though you are invited to make a donation, but no pressure.
In September 2015, Kate said about The Samuel Johnson Birthplace Museum
On the edge of the Market Square this is a well laid out Museum, giving a wel set out overview of Samuel Johnson, his life, and his position in British literary history. Well worth a visit, easy to access.
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