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In October 2022, Daniel Willingham said about National Memorial Arboretum
Very outstanding peaceful and tranquil place which dedicates those and pays there respect to those who served in conflicts and wars around the world. There are various memorials dedicated to each of the regiments within the British Army and also the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force. There are also memorials dedicated to the Fire Service, Miners and also the Police Service. The memorial which stands out the most is the Armed Forces memorial as it looks spectacular on the landscape and delivers a deserving dedication to those who have served for their country and lists all the people who have sadly lost their lives in all of the conflicts whilst serving the UK around the world in the wars. On some of the memorials there is an informative synopsis of the particular conflict occurred, which gives an idea of the magnitude of that war generally and those who fought in it. Another aspect that makes the site spectacular is that the trees blend in beautifully with the memorials making the scenery more serene and picturesque. The site is vast and will take a few hours to get around but there are some spectacular memorials to look at and also some spectacularly picturesque views of the River Trent to enjoy. Visitors can enjoy the land train which takes you around the whole site where there is a guide giving you information about the memorials on view.There's is also an exhibition detailing the site which is interesting and enjoyable to look at. There is a restaurant on site offering food at good and reasonable and also a gift shop with gifts at reasonable prices. Overall this is an excellent tranquil and peaceful place to visit.
In September 2022, Martina Onions said about National Memorial Arboretum
A very impressive site, quite amazing how much is there a very well laid out. Thing's for all ages to see, for the children there are a couple play areas, plus amazing icecream and cakes available from the restaurant or coffee shop. The whole site is disabled friendly, the ground's have level paths though out and gentle slopping grassy area's, the main centre piece has a number of steps or ramped road around it.
There is also a road train available for a tour of the site (which I'd recommend).
There's also a gift shop on site.
Though out the whole site there are a huge number of benches and picnic tables and chairs.
The site is dog friendly as long they are kept on a lead and they have a number of drinks points.
There's a modern restaurant and coffee shop, selling a large range of snacks, meals, drinks, cakes etc at good prices I must say.
The toilets are in the main building complex again very modern and clean which include disabled toilets and baby changing facilities.
Also available for people are a number of electric mobility scooters.
Last but not least. I must say the staff are amazing, so friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and are alway's there to help.
A place that needs to be visited a number of times.
In July 2022, Mrs Bear said about National Memorial Arboretum
Prior to our visit we checked the website for the National Memorial Arboretum and discovered that we needed to book the parking to help them cope with visitor numbers. It was an easy process and inexpensive.

On arrival a helpful staff member explained where we needed to park and we headed off to reception and received a mini guide to help us find our way around.

We started off in the cafe and got our bearings over a coffee.

If you want to take everything in you really need all day as it is a huge site, there is a lot of ground to cover and plenty to see and photograph.

We spent the morning exploring the various memorials for the different regiments and then decided to stop for lunch back at the restaurant. There was an excellent choice of hot and cold food. We also found the staff friendly and the food prices reasonable.

During the afternoon we walked down along the river and saw so much wildlife that has made the arboretum it’s home.

We finished up with a look around the indoor displays and then the shop before heading home.

Well worth a visit and a humbling memorial to all those who gave their lives for our freedom.
In January 2012, RatonCantabria said about National Memorial Arboretum
Whilst staying with friends they took us here for an outing, and we had a very thoughtprovoking day. On arriving we bought the guidebook rather than the map, and were amazed at how big the place was! It is huge, and you need a good 3 or 4 hours to get round it all, we didn't sadly. The main memorial on the mound is very humbling, and it was great to see staff up there to quietly explain any questions we had, they were all very knowledgeable. The different memorials, styles and approaches around the site were very interesting, and we spent a long time in the FEPOW building, which was really fascinating. The one thing to consider when visiting is the weather, it is an outdoor site, and the day we went it was horrendously windy and showery, not the best weather for sure. The trees themselves are obviously still very small, so not much protection around the site from the elements, we probably would have stayed longer had we come on a better day. As a result though, we also ended up eating in the restaurant to get a bit of shelter, which was a plus, as the food was fantastic! Entrance to the site is free, but you do have to pay for parking and the guide/map (one of which you will need).
In February 2016, Bridbash said about National Memorial Arboretum
My wife and myself visited the site on a very busy Sunday, we found a large car park near the welcome centre. On entering we were greeted by a very polite and enthusiastic member of staff who explained how we could see the whole park and find all the areas of interest to us.
We took a ride on the land train
( To be recommended ) which takes you around the full park with commentary so not to miss anything.
After our ride we set off on foot to spend moor time in the areas that meant something to us.
Even though there is a lot of work going on at the moment 14/2/2016 the park is still a beautiful and peaceful area.
Most of the pathways look to be in good condition and there seems to be plenty of ramp access for disabled visitors.
We had our lunch in a temporary restaurant, the food was hot and tasty and I believe the whole experience will improve when the building work has finished. The plans looked great !
We are looking forward to revisiting the Arboretum in the future when next in the area
We highly recommend a visit.
In September 2015, Edward H said about National Memorial Arboretum
Visited the Memorial after many months of having it on our wish list. Was pleased to find that the car park was free after reading that its was £3.00 to park. On enquiring was told that there was an honesty box for people to make a car park donation. Arrived in time for the 11 o'clock Last Post service in the Chapel when we given in insight into the best way to visit the various memorials. Purchased a guide book which was invaluable. Although being in our late 70's decided that we would walk rather than take the train and found no difficulty in getting around. Planned our tour so that we could be back to the restaurant for a bit of lunch, which was most enjoyable and reasonably priced. Continued our tour after lunch and following the guide book we found our way around. I particularly wanted to visit the memorial of the Regiment in which I served my National Service. I also wanted to find the name of a comrade who was later lost his life on active service. The Wall of Remembrance is impressive and very poignant and after a search found his name.
It is a place that I feel everybody should visit if only to see how so many people sacrificed their lives in order that we can live as we are today.
In August 2021, kirsty w said about National Memorial Arboretum
On Monday 2nd August 2021, We visited the National Memorial Arboretum as part of a Coach Holiday we were on.

We arrived at approx 945am & the staff allowed us in before it opened to the public at 10am so that they could get all 21 passengers processed through. We all decided to pay £7 each to take a trip on their land train which is a 45 minute journey with recorded commentary.

The journey round the gardens was extremely moving & they told you everything about each area we stopped at along the route. The only disappointing thing, they don't take you to the newly opened section which is dedicated to those who lost their lives in our Police Forces.

After the journey, 5 of us had a coffee in their lovely restaurant area, prices are very reasonable & we also visited their excellent gift shop, where we purchased some fab gifts for friends & family.

This isn't somewhere we would have thought to visit if it hadn't been for the 'industrial heritage tour' we were on. We are glad it was part of our tour as its definitely a place everyone needs to visit.

Highly recommend. 10/10
In November 2011, Travellerx4 said about National Memorial Arboretum
Attended with our children ages 9 and 6. We did not pay an admission fee on this day. To see so many on such a day, made me so proud to be there remembering so many with memorials here. A new parking meadow was used this year with walking only five minutes away and a donation was the parking fee. Great idea! We arrived at 9:45 am for the 10:30 start time of the service. Very busy but orderly. Tickets for seating in the central memorial are very limited - you must apply months in advance to even be considered for such an honor. To accommodate the amount of people who attend, a big screen tv (the length of a tractor trailor) is outside where there are chairs arranged for more people to sit and watch the service on-going inside the circular perimeter of the central memorial. Programs were given to all who attended. The staff and volunteers of the National Memorial Arboretum were very kind and helpful. Very moving and highly recommend it. For restaurants (as the cafe was very busy), go to Lichfield which has many nice choices and parking lots close to town centre (just a 10 minute drive away).
In May 2012, 1AnnieEliza said about National Memorial Arboretum
Our entire extended family of cousins, aunts, uncles and children visited together on a recent sunny Sunday. The perfect place to stroll, enjoy natural beauty, and teach older children a bit about history. It's very touching to see families with veterans there as well. The main monument puts me very much in mind of parts of The Mall in Washington DC, with the huge obelisk and the curving walls that resemble the WWII memorial. Very emotional sculptures of soldiers in wartime at the main monument. Be sure to ask a docent for details on the sculptures; ours pointed out facts that I would certainly have missed. Very glad to have visited.

This is a lovely place, opened in 2007. Unfortunately, we did not get to cover all the grounds. I imagine you could go regularly for a long time before accomplishing that goal. As more continues to grow, it will only get better as an arboretum.

I think it is free, but a fee for parking. Well worth it. Nice gift shop, also a restaurant though we did not go there. There is a lot of walking and many steps up to the monument. Be sure to get assistance in advance if you need it.
In October 2012, Daru500 said about National Memorial Arboretum
The National Memorial Arboretum is a wonderful and very moving place. There is a lovely chapel which holds a minutes silence every day. There are man y different memorials to see over quite a large area, including the armed forces memorial and the Far East Prisoners of War memorial, which is a replica of a hut from there, and i found my grandad's name on the computer (he was a far eastern prisoner of war) which was moving. I also liked seeing all of the other memorials to different regiments, navy and air force and also civillians and the police and fire service and rescue services. It truly makes you appreciate the sacrifice made by others to keep this country free and great and it really moves you to see some of the ages and new names being added. It is a fantastic place in a beautiful setting and I would love to go back again as it is changing all the time. It is somewhere you must visit to experience it and hear the stories of bravery and honour and appreciate the sacrifices made by others. It has something of interest for all ages. Admission is free and there are opportunities to make donations. The many volunteers who work there are very knowledgeable and friendly. There is plenty of car parking and an on-site restaurant providing snacks and meals at reasonable prices.
Please go, it is an umissable, moving and wonderful experience
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