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Local Reviews
In July 2024, Hannah Illingworth said about Franklins Removals - Removal Companies in Lichfield
Franklins moved us from Rugeley to North Yorkshire on 24th/25th June. As we’re a military family we’ve moved numerous times, experiencing many different removal companies and the team from Franklins were one of the best we’ve ever had. They turned up on time, worked non-stop to get our house packed and loaded in just over 6 hours on a very hot day (we had packed quite a bit ourselves but the kitchen had to be done completely and other bits finished off) and then did the unpack in about 5 hours the following day.

All the chaps, Simon, Jack, Tobias and Kieran, were brilliant, they hardly stopped all day and took great care with all our possesions. The kitchen was packed so well, it’s the first time we’ve ever had no breakages of the crockery. They were polite, friendly and hard-working, a real credit to the company. Thank you guys!
In June 2024, Cols6 said about Lichfield Garrick Theatre & Studio
As always we had a fantastic time. The Importance of being Ernest was fantastic. We initially thought participants from audience were actors and no just people picked at random as they all did so well. A well thought out play such a laugh just what we needed.
In July 2024, Pavan Kanwar said about Lichfield Garrick Theatre & Studio
Lovely staff and service. Very clean building. We went for a dance event which was sold out.

The theatre was like a sauna. Not sure it has A/C. I had to leave a few times to breathe. Encourage the owners to take a look at the air quality or temperature of a full theatre and consider investing in some kind of solution.
In June 2024, Pierre mAScriER said about National Memorial Arboretum
Going to a memorial place, I was expecting a quiet place where you feel like whispering is appropriate and reflecting in silence about all these heroes who died for our freedom.
Instead of that, we found a lively place, nice and smiley staff, stunning gardens, modern buildings and toilets and of course all sorts of tributes to the differents army corps, illustrated with beautiful sculptures. The grounds are massive, but you can hop on a small train which will take you for a round trip of 30 minutes.
There was also a large stage with a jazz band, singers and children performing acts and singing. I have to say that the sound was excellent too.
There is also a huge dinning room, very clean and the food was great too.
Dogs are welcome and you can picnic if you want to.
There is more to say about this place, you'll have to see it by yourself!
I do not often give a 5 stars, but in that case, I think it deserves it.
In July 2024, Hugh Reynolds said about National Memorial Arboretum
As old soldier fab
In July 2024, David Plummer said about National Memorial Arboretum
Fantastic place 😀
In July 2024, John Sheppard said about National Memorial Arboretum
Well worth a visit amazing..
In July 2024, Jodie Reed (freckles96xx) said about National Memorial Arboretum
I wish more people knew about the NMA, what an absolute treasure. It's a beautiful and very moving day our. If you can, make sure you have a free tour as the guides are incredible engaging and knowledgeable.

Dog-friendliness: Dogs welcome but on a lead
In June 2024, MalcfromLongPreston said about National Memorial Arboretum
This is a really good place to visit. We spent two hours non -stop trying to take it all in and could easily have spent another couple of hours. Amazing number and variety of memorials and remarkable the efforts that have gone here on a site that was once a worked out gravel pit or similar. It does evoke feelings and thoughts and reminds you of what the human race does not learn from war . Its a great place for someone , who understands the impact of loss of a dear one, to come to. It is well maintained, has good facilities and it was, for us, a high-impact visit. I wish we had had longer to read more of some of the details. For instance for the police memorial, which represents a door slightly ajar (not immediately obvious,) but its maybe the threshold over which a policeman has to step every day in terms of risk etc. There are similar explanations re the conning tower and confined spaces (submariners memorial).Well worth a visit. It also happens to be free
In July 2024, Neldoo said about National Memorial Arboretum
Such a lovely place for wandering & remembering. Loved the environment; the trees, the wildlife, the river, etc.
And of course the many memorials. Sad that they're needed, but a very respectful & fitting way to do it.
Well worth a visit.
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