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Local Reviews
In October 2011, jbaines46 said about National Memorial Arboretum
Not sure how to describe a place that brings tears to your eyes to think of all the lives given in the service of their country, but it is quietly beautiful and well worth a visit but bring tissues!
In October 2011, mariabud said about National Memorial Arboretum
We visited the NMA for on a beautifully sunny autumn day. there was something poetic about the colours of the trees in the light and the tranquillity. We were particularly interested in the memorial to the Polish Combatants in exile from WWII and we were not disappointed - its beautifully crafted, informative and have an air of solidity and honour about it. There are many memorials to see and you need to allow yourself plenty of time order to really be able to take it all in and reflect. The guides were wonderfully helpful and sincere. We bought some lovely pieces in the shop. This is a place that is really worth visiting and supporting as it silently yet eloquently drives home the true pity of war.
In October 2011, dk_iom said about National Memorial Arboretum
We had no idea how big the site was and in the time we had available (about 3 hours) we only covered a fraction of what there was to see. It is so very beautiful. We found the tributes to the three Isle of Man Steam Packet vessels which went down at Dunkirk which is what we were looking for but in the process we found so much more. It is very moving and well worth a visit.

There is a £3 charge for the car park and that is all unless you buy a map or guide book and/ or give a donation.The cafe is excellent and all the staff are friendly and informative.

We were lucky that the weather was so beautiful so we could wander round looking at all the memorials. This marvellous place is well worth a visit, in fact many visits.
Thank you to all who look after it so well.
In November 2011, Qwertyr said about National Memorial Arboretum
The moving memorials surrounded rounded by beautifly kept grounds are lovely on a sunny day and also provide a chance for a great walk around. The trees however would be far better in 20 years time when they are more mature, although they do provide some great photography opportunities, especially in the autumn when the leaves are just to turn
In November 2011, Honest Us said about National Memorial Arboretum
Such lovely surrounds.
Made the mistake of taking the dog, as only the edge of one part available to walk. I understand why, but we pick up. Unlike some. Anyway......

Having stowed the dog, we wandered in quiet reflection and got to feel the place. Peace and reflection in quiet. Such a lively but sad place. Lots to read and understand and makes one appreciate what the service personell do for YOU.
Thank you for a lovely visit.
Cafe available, shop and acres if grounds. You must go.
In April 2015, bob708 said about National Memorial Arboretum
this place is a must for any old servicemen /women.its a place of stillness yet not sad.lovely walks down by the river and in the trees.i like all the different layouts of the memorials, some small some big, but all of them in good taste.brill place to sit and reflect on the past.
In April 2015, Terry C said about National Memorial Arboretum
This place is a must for anyone who has friends or family in the forces. Not only does it provide a superb area for walking (and flat for those less able) but it is also a great place just to sit and pay your respects.

In terms of maturity the area is relatively young but growing all the time with carefully considered trees and shrubs to match the many and varied memorials on show. In three years of visiting the National Memorial Arboretum we have witnessed a huge increase in the number of memorials and development of the area so repeated visits always offer something different.

Particularly recommended are the escorted walks and talks given by the guides and volunteers.
In September 2015, Magickpyggie said about National Memorial Arboretum
It was on our list of places to visit, and we chose a Gray day to come which set the mood for the day. I am poorly sighted and lack mobility so had pre-ordered a scooter which served me well. I managed to get to most places but some memorials seemed a bit out of reach, but what I saw really moved me.
I think a better mapping system could help as this is a huge site and it is easy to miss things, perhaps a detailed map app would help. It was good to see a class from RAF Cranwell experiencing the venue and I spent some time chatting to one of their team. A great experience and we will return.
In September 2015, EzzyA said about National Memorial Arboretum
I visited the Arboretum a number of years ago when it first opened, and saw that it was going to be a lovely place as the plants and trees settled in and grew. Visiting again it was interesting to see the way the place has progressed; there are many more monuments and it is a wonderful place to visit. The large monument to the members of the armed forces who have died since the end of WWII is very impressive, but I particularly liked some of the smaller monuments, such as the one to the Land Girls and to the merchants seamen. To someone who has never visited, I would describe it as a park that makes you reflect. A very inspiring place.
In September 2015, Edward H said about National Memorial Arboretum
Visited the Memorial after many months of having it on our wish list. Was pleased to find that the car park was free after reading that its was £3.00 to park. On enquiring was told that there was an honesty box for people to make a car park donation. Arrived in time for the 11 o'clock Last Post service in the Chapel when we given in insight into the best way to visit the various memorials. Purchased a guide book which was invaluable. Although being in our late 70's decided that we would walk rather than take the train and found no difficulty in getting around. Planned our tour so that we could be back to the restaurant for a bit of lunch, which was most enjoyable and reasonably priced. Continued our tour after lunch and following the guide book we found our way around. I particularly wanted to visit the memorial of the Regiment in which I served my National Service. I also wanted to find the name of a comrade who was later lost his life on active service. The Wall of Remembrance is impressive and very poignant and after a search found his name.
It is a place that I feel everybody should visit if only to see how so many people sacrificed their lives in order that we can live as we are today.
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