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Local Reviews
In July 2016, Christine C said about Lichfield Cathedral
Not too keen on the outside front of this cathedral but that's a personal dislike of red sandstone heavily ornamented with figures and crocketed spires, but it is outstanding, certainly. Inside it is fabulous. There is a lot to take in. The windows are wonderful, not just those in the Lady Chapel which have just been restored and supplied with a clever touch screen information panel, but those in the war memorial chapel, the South Transept and St Chad's Head Chapel up the narrow stair. If you can hear the organ play, that is well worth it - particularly with all the stops out. Entrance is free (donations encouraged, of course, but not enforced). There is a friendly reception and you're given a ticket to record the numbers of visitors each day, plus some information leaflets. There is a small shop near the exit door but a larger one across the Close. The cafe and lavatories are down the road a short walk from the building. Guides are on hand to lead tours and help with queries. A part of the cathedral is dedicated to children's activities - there were quite a few there when we visited. Wonderful flowers, too.
In July 2016, Lee K said about Lichfield Cathedral
A great medieval cathedral with three spires (the only one in the UK with three spires). A nice peaceful place to go and see the architecture.
In July 2016, John L said about Lichfield Cathedral
An outstanding example of an early English Cathedral, many memorable features : the stone carvings defaced by Parliamentary soldiers sharpening their swords, possibly the earliest Anglo Saxon carving in this country, examples of the amazing Staffordshire hoard discovered nearby in 2016, the unique Lichfield Gospels. 16 century Flemish stained glass windows Opportunities for a quiet retreat......much more. Small fee for photographic licence, but no entrance charge (donations welcomed) Small, interesting shop opposite in the Close and a variety of refreshments at Chapters in the Close.
In July 2016, lizrowley said about Lichfield Cathedral
It goes without saying that this is a stunning cathedral, inside and out, and well worth a visit at any time. However, if you can arrange your visit to coincide with the guided tour conducted by Linda Hoskins you will have your pleasure and knowledge lifted to another level. Linda is not only a fount of information, she will show you how to 'read' the stained glass windows here and in other cathedrals and churches. And the stained glass in Lichfield is incredibly beautiful, as is the rest of the building. It has such peace in this troubled world.
In August 2016, TartanWanderer said about Lichfield Cathedral
This is a truly remarkable building. The exteriors is so ornate it must surely be one of our finest cathedrals.
The interiors is also fascinating. To visit is free but they gently ask for a voluntary donation.
If you are ever in Lichfield I absolutely recommend visiting this. The location is also great and there is a lot of interesting places nearby too.
In August 2016, Mollie2468 said about Lichfield Cathedral
Arrived during a service , congregation were very welcoming to visitors . Obviously if wanted to look around avoid services
In August 2016, Robert G said about Lichfield Cathedral
The cathedral is stunning of course. But it's brought to life by those who volunteer and work to use the building to help people understand the here and now. I was fortunate to make my first visit to the cathedral yesterday and so learn about the evening's commemoration of the Somme centenary. What a moving event - using the fabric of the cathedral as the backdrop for an absorbing use and sound and light. It was moving and sad and yet more than remembrance - the relevance to the loss we continue to experience is clear to see.
In August 2016, Majje76 said about Lichfield Cathedral
The landmark is monumental. It is interesting to fantasize how the view of this cathedral influenced the life and thoughts of Erasmus Darwin in the Enlightenment period.
In August 2016, John_T said about Lichfield Cathedral
whilst well-familiar with the cathedral, we went specifically for the "Journey to the Somme" exhibition, taking friends who had not been before. Our friends were particularly interested in much of the history, including the Staffordshire Hoard exhibition in the Chapter House.
Admission is free and visitors are invited without any pressure to make a donation towards the upkeep.
In August 2016, Julip2706 said about Lichfield Cathedral
Breath taking and Beautiful surroundings and volunteers so friendly and helpful... Visit is definitely recommended.
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