Training and Development in Liverpool

Find the best Training and Development in Liverpool as recommended by local Liverpool people in thebestof Liverpool's Training and Development directory.
Training and Development in Liverpool
Liverpool based Daisy UK (Disabiltiy Awareness Introducing Sport to Youngsters) offers the best response to the governments ?Game Plan? by offering disability and visual awareness sports courses for children, staff and volunteers.
Annette B said
This company is excellent. They provide really effective training highlighting issues surrounding diversity in the workplace. The director has full understanding of the issues but he approaches the subject in a fun and enjoyable manner.
Partnership for Learning Charity
Partnership for Learning Charity in Speke, Liverpool, provides an excellent venue for training and development as well as a wide range of training courses. If you're looking for somewhere to hold a training seminar, contact the team at Partnership for Learning Charity today. Additionally, Partnership for Learning Charity provide a wide range of training and development courses, call now to see the upcoming training events.
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This company is excellent. They provide really effective training highlighting issues surrounding diversity in the workplace. The director has full understanding of the issues but he approaches the subject in …
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Procter Dance Academy
SS Fancy Dress
Zoe's Place Baby Hospice
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